Posted by Rashid-Mahmood

29th Meeting of Board of Advanced Studies and Research Held at Capital University

29th Board of Advances Studies and Research (BASR) meeting of CUST was held on January 11, 2022. The BASR considered degree completion cases of MS and PhD. The Board showed its satisfaction over the Academic as well as the Research …
Posted by Rashid-Mahmood

A Short Course on Amazon Web Services was Organized by ORIC at Capital University

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a broad set of global cloud-based products including Compute, Storage, Databases, Analytics, Networking, Mobile, Developer Tools, Management Tools, IoT, Security, and Enterprise applications. From Data Warehousing to Deployment Tools, Directories to Content Delivery, over 175 …
Posted by Rashid-Mahmood

A Short Course on React JS was Organized by ORIC at Capital University

React JS can be used for creating large web applications for organizations in an agile manner. Through React, data can dynamically get updated in web pages without requiring them to be reloaded at each update trigger. As a perfect web …
Posted by Rashid-Mahmood

A Memorandum of Understandings Signed Between Capital University and North American Muslim Foundation

Representative of NAMF Pakistan Mr. M. Nadeem Khan who was accompanied by his team member visited VIS-CUST Directorate on Friday 7 January, 2022. A detailed discussion was already held between Deputy Director VIS Mr. Naeemullah Khan and Executive Director NAMF …
Posted by Rashid-Mahmood

Capital University Arranged Annual Musical Concert 2021

Co-curricular activities are the true and practical experiences received by students. To a greater extent, the theoretical knowledge gets strengthened when a relevant co-curricular activity is organized related to the content taught in the classroom. Intellectual aspects of personality are …
Posted by Rashid-Mahmood

Capital University Arranged a Session on “Islam is a deen, not a religion”

Cust Character Building Club organized a seminar on 3rd January 2022 on the topic “ISLAM IS A DEEN, NOT A RELIGION” at A1 and A2. All the university’s internal students were invited by the club. The club invited Mr. Raja …
Posted by Rashid-Mahmood

9th International Business Research Conference 2021 Held at Capital University

On 30th December, 2021, Faculty of Management and Social Sciences organized the 9th CUST International Business Research Conference (CIBRC). Theme of the conference was “Business Sustainability in the New Normal – A Way Forward”. Through this conference, a global platform …

Posted by Rashid-Mahmood

A seminar on “Envision through Emotional Intelligence” held at Capital University

The topic of the seminar was “Envision through Emotional Intelligence”. Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict. The …