In the light of the current situation due to COVID-19 pandemic, assessment mechanisms (for quizzes, assignments and exams) have been changed. Consequently, new mechanisms have replaced the standard assessment mechanisms. Various assessment mechanisms including the following are being implemented according to the need and nature of the course:
- VLE Courses/Labs shall be assessed through a unified Assessment Mechanism having the following components:
- Assignments/Quizzes/Project etc. 40%
- Midterm Exam 20%
- Final Exam 40%
- There shall be relative grading and the letter grades shall be awarded as per the standard grading policy of the University, which shall be based on the above mentioned components.
- Submission of Assignments and Quizzes shall be through Learning Management System (LMS) adopted for the purpose.
- Final Examination shall be arranged by the Controller of Examinations Office and a date sheet in this respect shall be issued in advance.
- The cognitive and affective part of lab course assessment, or the assessment of all labs which have been transformed to simulation/emulation type labs, will be concluded in the current semester and the final grades will be awarded.
- At the conclusion of Spring-2020 semester, if a student is not satisfied with his/ her grade, he/she may apply for conversion of an earned grade into a W grade within two weeks after the declaration of results. For such a student, the continuation of scholarship shall be decided based on his/her performance in Fall-2019 semester.
- A student shall be ineligible to take the Final Examination of a Course/Lab in which has/she has missed more than 50% assignments and quizzes and such a Course/Lab shall be treated as withdrawn.
- It shall be the responsibility of the concerned Instructor to keep the students informed regarding their Assignments/Quizzes status through University portal.
- In order to meet the requirements of University Portal, Final Exam should have 4 sections and each section carry 10 marks.
- If student is unable to submit his/her paper due to some problems within given time, the instructor should assess and allow extra time to the student as a special case.
- In case instructor observes any kind of cheating, he/she can contact with the student within 72 hours for clarification. The case may be reported to Controller of Examinations, if so needed.
- For hands-on practical type lab courses, the psychomotor assessment will be postponed till next semester when regular on-campus teaching/learning starts. The students will be awarded I grade in those lab courses.
- To complete the degree requirements of Final-Semester students, a separate plan shall be followed for the assessment and conclusion of the lab courses and their FYPs. The plan is outlined as follows:
- All the students registered in the final semester courses will be physically called to the university campus after the conclusion of final exams in current semester for a duration of 3 weeks.
- In the 1st week, a crash course of psychomotor learning and assessment in the Labs will be organized, following strict SOPs to ensure safety against Covid- 19. It was agreed that since the number of lab courses in final semester is comparatively lesser, one-week crash course is easily manageable the psychomotor part, as the cognitive and affective assessment will be completed before the final exams. Each department will provide and follow a detailed schedule of labs along with the instructor duties in this regard.
- The second and third week will be utilized for the completion and assessment of the FYPs of the students. The presentations and assessment of FYPs will also be managed during this time. For simulation type of FYPs, the assessment/evaluation can be done online, therefore those student groups who are doing simulation type projects may not be physically required on campus for second and third week.
- The implementation of clause-m wherein the students are advised to visit the campus shall be subject to the clearance by HEC/PEC.