BS English

About The Program

The English language is one of the most popular tools of communication around the world. Considering this factor, the BS English program has been designed. This program will enable students to master the English language with clarity, precision, and confidence in both spoken and written English which will enable them to pursue multiple careers ranging from education and business to digital copywriting, translation, and others. The primary objective of this degree is to develop well-versed professionals in the field of linguistics and literature who can investigate language-related issues and understand the importance of social and cultural values that shape the contemporary world.

Admission Requirements

  • Students having secured 45% at the intermediate level are eligible to apply.
  • CUST Admission test/ NTS test/HEC test.

Degree Requirements

Area Cr. Hrs.
General Education 30
Major Courses 72
Allied Courses 12
Elective Courses 12
Capstone Project / Thesis 06
Internship 03
Total 135

General Education (30 Cr. Hrs.)

Course Title Code Cr. Hrs.
Islamic Studies/Ethics ENGG1012 2
Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan ENGG1022 2
Applications of Information & Communication Technologies ENGG1612 2
Applications of Information & Communication Technologies Lab ENGG1611 1
Functional English ENGG1113 3
Expository Writing ENGG1123 3
Introduction to Psychology ENGG2422 2
Introduction to Environmental Studies ENGG2332 2
Introduction to Environmental Studies Lab ENGG2331 1
Computing & Analytics ENGG1553 3
Analytical Reasoning ENGG2583 3
Translation Studies ENGG2232 2
Civic and Community Engagement ENGG2812 2
Entrepreneurship ENGG2712 2

Major Courses (72 Cr. Hrs.)

Course Title Code Cr. Hrs.
Academic Reading and Writing ENGB2923 3
Introduction to Linguistics ENGB1113 3
English Phonetics & Phonology ENGB1123 3
Introduction to Morphology ENGB2133 3
Introduction to Semantics ENGB3143 3
Introduction to Stylistics ENGB4153 3
Introduction to Syntax ENGB3163 3
Introduction to English Literature ENGB1213 3
Literary Forms & Movements ENGB1223 3
Corpus Linguistics ENGB3103 3
Sociolinguistics and Psycholinguistics ENGB3173 3
Foundations of Literary Theory & Criticism ENGB3183 3
Applied Linguistics ENGB4193 3
Literary Prose ENGB4233 3
Classical & Renaissance Drama ENGB2243 3
Novel (18th & 19th Century) ENGB3253 3
Romantic & Victorian Poetry ENGB2263 3
Pakistani Literature in English ENGB3273 3
Postcolonial Literature ENGB3283 3
Introduction to Critical Discourse Analysis ENGB3293 3
Introduction to Eco Linguistics ENGB4303 3
Postmodern Fiction ENGB4713 3
Language and Education ENGB4833 3
Research Methods in English RCHE3913 3

Allied Courses(12 Cr. Hrs.)

Course Title Code Cr. Hrs.
Mass Communication MCEN1443 3
Personal Management & Grooming HMB3033 3
International Relations HMEN2463 3
Teaching and Learning Skills ENGP2003 3
Human Resource Development HRM6293 3
Cross Cultural Psychology PSYB4103 3
Professional Ethics and Legal Issues HMCS1033 3

Elective Courses (12 Cr. Hrs.)

4 courses to be offered and selected based on available expertise.

Course Title Code Cr. Hrs.
Introduction to Digital Humanities ENGB3313 3
Short Fictional Narratives ENGB3723 3
Introduction to Women’s Writing ENGB3733 3
Continental Literature ENGB3743 3
Creative Nonfiction ENGB4753 3
Forensic Linguistics ENGB4293 3
Pedagogical Grammar ENGB4823 3
Language Testing & Assessment ENGB4843 3
English for Specific Purpose ENGB4853 3
American Literature ENGB4773 3
Computer-Assisted Language Learning ENGB3203 3

Internship (3 Cr. Hrs.)

Course Title Code Cr. Hrs.
Internship EN4003 3

Capstone Project / Thesis

Course Title Code Cr. Hrs.
Capstone Project / Thesis – Part I ENGB4803 3
Capstone Project / Thesis – Part II ENGB4813 3

Community Service (VIS4000)

Each student is required to complete 65-hour of community work, usually after 4th semester which would be a prerequisite for the award of degree.

Program Duration

This is a four-year degree program comprising of 8 semesters. There will be a Fall and a Spring semester in each year. The maximum duration to complete the BS English Degree is 7 years.

CGPA Requirements

A student is required to earn a minimum 2.00/4.00 CGPA on the completion of the degree

Semester - 1

Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs.
ENGG 1113 Functional English 3
ENGG 1553 Computing and Analytics 3
ENGG 1612 Applications of Information & Communication Technologies 2
ENGG 1611 Applications of Information & Communication Technologies Lab 1
HMB 1033 Personal Management & Grooming 3
ENGB 1113 Introduction to Linguistics 3
ENGB 1213 Introduction to English Literature 3

Semester - 2

Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs.
ENGG 1012 Islamic Studies/Ethics 2
ENGG 1022 Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan 2
ENGG 1123 Expository Writing 3
MCEN 1443 Mass Communication 3
ENGB 1123 English Phonetics & Phonology 3
ENGB 1223 Literary Forms & Movements 3

Semester - 3

Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs.
ENGG 2422 Introduction to Psychology 2
ENGG 2583 Analytical Reasoning 3
ENGG 2812 Civic and Community Engagement 2
HMEN 2463 International Relations 3
ENGB 2923 Academic Reading and Writing 3
ENGB 2243 Classical & Renaissance Drama 3

Semester - 4

Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs.
ENGG 2332 Introduction to Environmental Studies 2
ENGG 2331 Introduction to Environmental Studies Lab 1
ENGG 2712 Principles of Management / Entrepreneurship 2
ENGG 2232 Translation Studies 2
ENGP 2003 Teaching and Learning Skills 3
ENGB 2133 Introduction to Morphology 3
ENGB 2263 Romantic & Victorian Poetry 3

Semester - 5

Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs.
ENGB 3143 Introduction to Semantics 3
ENGB 3163 Introduction to Syntax 3
ENGB 3253 Novel 18th & 19th Century 3
ENGB 3103 Corpus Linguistics 3
ENGB 3183 Found. of Literary Theory & Criticism 3
ENGB 3xx3 Elective -I 3

Semester - 6

Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs.
ENGB 3173 Sociolinguistics & Psycholinguistics 3
ENGB 3293 Introduction to Critical Discourse Analysis 3
ENGB 3283 Postcolonial Literature 3
ENGB 3273 Pakistani Literature in English 3
RCHE 3913 Research Methods in English 3
ENGB 3xx3 Elective -II 3


Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs.
EN 4003 Internship 3

Semester - 7

Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs.
ENGB 4153 Introduction to Stylistics 3
ENGB 4193 Applied Linguistics 3
ENGB 4713 Postmodern Fiction 3
ENGB 4xx3 Elective -III 3
ENGB 4803 Capstone Project / Thesis – Part I 3

Semester - 8

Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs.
ENGB 4833 Language and Education 3
ENGB 4233 Literary Prose 3
ENGB 4303 Introduction to Eco Linguistics 3
ENGB 4xx3 Elective-IV 3
ENGB 4813 Capstone Project / Thesis – Part II 3
Sr # Statement
PEO-1 Demonstrate professional excellence by exhibiting their knowledge about key concepts, movements, and modern trends in linguistics and literature.
PEO-2 Communicate effectively by engaging their competence in the English language.
PEO-3 Demonstrate commitment to ethical values and contribute positively towards society.
Sr # Learning Objective Statement
PLO-1 Knowledge An ability to comprehend, integrate and apply fundamental notions of English language, linguistics and literature.
PLO-2 Literary Studies An ability to comprehend literary genre, works, and movements to appreciate literature.
PLO-3 Critical Discourse An ability to apply reasoning informed by contextual study in language and literature for a better understanding of social concerns and norms.
PLO-4 Language Teaching An ability to practice English language instructions keeping in view foreign language teaching standards.
PLO-5 Translation Studies An ability to comprehend and translate the text keeping in view social, cultural and historical context.
PLO-6 Research An ability to develop analytical skills to help in carrying out research in linguistics and literature.
PLO-7 Communication An ability to communicate effectively, verbally and nonverbally, in interpersonal and professional settings.
PLO-8 Use of Educational Technology An ability to select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern tools in learning and teaching.
PLO-9 Management Skills An ability to demonstrate management skills at personal and institutional level in academic/professional settings.
PLO-10 Team Work An ability to work effectively, as an individual or in a team, on multifaceted and/or multidisciplinary settings.
PLO-11 Ethics Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of research and/or teaching practice.