Corporate Social Responsibility and Customer Responses: Analyzing the Role of Cause Related Marketing, Brand Trust and Brand Attachment
Nowadays corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a critical factor influencing customers buying intention. The purpose of this dissertation is to examine the impact of customers’ perception of a companys CSR initiatives, in the formation of customer citizenship behavior (CCB), and repurchase intention (RI). The study also observes the mediation and moderation process through customers attitude and outcome behavior. Based on a survey method, empirical testing using a structured questionnaire of 688 valid customers of cellular companies and banks of Pakistan was collected through convenience sampling technique. The proposed conceptual model was estimated by SEM analysis. To overcome regional biases, the constructs reliability and validity were re-ascertained. Subsequently, CFA of all the constructs individually, for exogenous models and overall model, was ascertained. The proposed model was a good t and hence was relevant in understanding Pakistans consumer attitude towards the formation of CCB and RI. The findings of the study demonstrate that consumer perception of CSR is an antecedent to brand trust (BT), and brand attachment (BA), which mediates the relationship between consumer perception of three CSR dimensions and CCB with the exception of legal responsibility. In addition, CCB has the role of mediator in the relationship between BT, BA and RI. The CCB ultimately leads to RI of the customers. Furthermore, perceived cause related marketing as a moderator has an influence on the relationship between CSR dimensions (ethical and discretionary) and BT. The ndings help to draw several conclusions and implications, CSR dimensions have become factors explaining customers repurchase intention, especially for services of cellular companies and banks, these brands should invest in their CSR themes to capture customers repurchase intention through indirect mechanism of brand trust, brand attachment and customer citizenship behavior.