
Entropy Analysis of Peristalsis Fluid Models


In this thesis, it has been managed to analyze the entropy generation during the peristaltic transport of creeping viscous nanofluid in an axisymmetric channel. The peristaltic pumping is incorporated in frame of two basic scenarios: (i) a peristaltic wavelength is assumed to be very large compared with the channel width, and (ii) a suciently small Reynolds number is considered, which indicates inertia free flow. The flow is provoked as a result of metachronal waves, which are produced, when a group of cilia operate together. These metachronal waves moves together in the direction of an e ective stroke to transport the fluid and transmit wavy or beating motion. The flow is assumed to be two dimensional, incompressible, and linear viscous (Newtonian). The momentum analysis is performed under the impact of various pertinent flow parameters such as Hall current, gravitational force, porous medium, transverse and inclined magnetic eld with horizontal and vertical channel. Further, the energy analysis is performed in the presence of thermal radiation, viscous dissipation, Joule heating and internal heat source phenomena. All of the above body forces are taken along the horizontal, vertical and inclined channel flow. Moreover, entropy generation due to heat transfer, thermal radiation, viscous dissipation and magnetic e ects has been encountered. The mathematical modeling is reflected in the form of a nonlinear coupled partial di erential equations. The governing di erential equations is transformed into ordinary di erential equations by considering some suitable dimensionless variables. Exact solutions in the closed form have been computed for the momentum, pressure gradient and temperature pro les. Graphical results have been carried out to interpret the pertinent parameters of interest. The main goal i.e. the reduction of the entropy generation of the second law of thermodynamics is achieved by decreasing the magnitude of Brinkmann number, Hartmann number and dimensionless temperature di erence. Fluid velocity is reduced by an increasing the magnitude of Hartmann number and Darcy number. Further, the trapping phenomenon is also portrayed through streamlines pattern for certain flow parameters.

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