BS Cyber Security

BS Cyber Security

Due to the rise in cyber threats and data breaches, organizations across various sectors are actively seeking skilled cybersecurity professionals to protect their valuable assets, confidential information, and ICT infrastructure. As cybersecurity is a global challenge; it is equally important for Pakistan to protect its digitals assets. Therefore, Cybersecurity is an excellent career opportunity for Pakistani students. Cybersecurity offers excellent career growth prospects with a specialized knowledge in the sub-fields such as network security, penetration testing, ethical hacking, incident response, risk management. With the increasing importance of protecting digital assets and the continuous development of new technologies and threats, the demand for cybersecurity professionals is expected to grow speedily. Skilled individuals in this field can enjoy long-term job prospects and competitive salaries.

Admission Requirements

  • Higher Secondary School Certificate or equivalent securing at least 50% marks in aggregate with Mathematics.
  • CUST Admission Test/HEC Approved Test


The candidate is required to complete 133 Cr. Hrs. as per following details:

Area Cr. Hrs.
a) General Education Courses 30
b) Disciplinary or Major Courses 82
c) Interdisciplinary / Allied Courses 15
d) Field Experience / Internship 03
e) Capstone / Design Project 06
f) Community Service 00
Total 136

General Education (30 Cr. Hrs.)

Course Title Code Cr. Hrs.
Functional English CYG1113 3
Expository Writing CYG1123 3
Islamic Studies/Ethics CYG1012 2
Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan CYG1022 2
Personal Grooming CYG1212 2
Sociology CYG1412 2
Applications of Information and Communication Technologies CYG1612 2
Applications of Information and Communication Technologies Lab CYG1611 1
Civics and Professional Ethics CYG2812 2
Calculus and Analytical Geometry CYG1513 3
Applied Physics CYG1312 2
Applied Physics Lab CYG1311 1
Entrepreneurship CYG2712 2
Probability and Statistics CYG2523 3

Disciplinary or Major Courses (82 Cr. Hrs.)

a-Computing Courses (43 Cr. Hrs.)

Course Title Code Cr. Hrs.
Programming Fundamentals CY1133 3
Programming Fundamentals Lab CY1131 1
Object Oriented Programming CY1123 3
Object Oriented Programming Lab CY1121 1
Data Structures and Algorithms CY2133 3
Data Structures and Algorithms Lab CY2131 1
Digital Logic Design CY2313 3
Digital Logic Design Lab CY2311 1
Design and Analysis of Algorithms CY4153 3
Computer Organization and Assembly Language CY2322 2
Computer Organization and Assembly Language Lab CY2321 1
Computer Communications and Networks CY4713 3
Computer Communications and Networks Lab CY4711 1
Information Security CY2213 3
Database Systems CY4513 3
Database Systems Lab CY4511 1
Operating Systems CY3413 3
Operating Systems Lab CY3411 1
Artificial Intelligence CY3632 2
Artificial Intelligence Lab CY3631 1
Software Engineering CY4523 3

b-Core Courses (18 Cr. Hrs.)

Course Title Code Cr. Hrs.
Fundamentals of Cyber Security CY2203 3
Network Security CY3222 2
Network Security Lab CY3221 1
Secure Software Design and Development CY3232 2
Secure Software Design and Development CY3231 1
Information Assurance CY3243 3
Parallel and Distributed Computing CY4542 2
Parallel and Distributed Computing Lab CY4541 1
Digital Forensics CY4252 2
Digital Forensics Lab CY4251 1

c-Depth Elective Courses (21 Cr. Hrs.)

Course Title Code Cr. Hrs.
Computer Architecture CY4723 3
Malware Analysis CY3643 3
Penetration Testing CY4622 2
Penetration Testing Lab CY4621 1
Theory of Automata CSCY3613 3
Wireless and Mobile Security CY4262 2
Wireless and Mobile Security Lab CY4261 1
Embedded Systems CY4353 3
Vulnerability Assessment & Reverse Engineering CY4652 2
Vulnerability Assessment & Reverse Engineering Lab CY4651 1

*Depth Elective Courses

Students are required to take 21 Cr. Hrs. as depth elective courses. A list of technical elective courses is given below:

Course Title Code Cr. Hrs.
Vulnerability Assessment & Reverse Engineering CY4652 2
Vulnerability Assessment & Reverse Engineering Lab CY4651 1
Hardware Security CY4273 3
Malware Analysis CY3643 3
Wireless and Mobile Security CY4262 2
Wireless and Mobile Security Lab CY4261 1
Theory of Automata CSCY3613 3
HCI & Computer Graphics CSCY3423 3
Embedded Systems CY4353 3
Penetration Testing CY4622 2
Penetration Testing Lab CY4621 1
Computer Architecture CY4723 3
Cyber Law & Cyber Crime (Cyber Warfare) CY4663 3
Control System Security CY4283 3

Interdisciplinary / Allied Courses (IDC) - 15 Cr. Hrs.

Course Title Code Cr. Hrs.
Complex Variables and Transforms MTCY2063 3
Discrete Structures CY2053 3
Linear Algebra MTCY2033 3
Technical and Business Writing HMCY4033 3
Introduction to Marketing MKCY4013 3

Field Experience / Internship (03 Cr. Hrs.)

Each student is required to complete 8 weeks industrial internship training usually after 6th semester or on the completion of 90 Cr. Hrs.

Course Title Code Cr. Hrs.
Field Experience / Internship CY4003 03

Capstone / Design Project (06 Cr. Hrs.)

After the completion of 90 Cr. Hrs., the students are required to register for Design Project (Part-I) of 3 Cr. Hrs. in the 7th semester of their degree program. Design Project (Part-II) of 3 Cr. Hrs. can be taken in the next i.e. 8th semester provided Design Project (Part-I) is passed.

Course Title Code Cr. Hrs.
Design Project (Part-I) CY4912 02
Design Project (Part-II) CY4924 04

Community Service (VIS4000)

Each student is required to complete 65 hours community work, usually after 1st semester which would be a prerequisite for the award of degree. It will be assessed as satisfactory (S) / unsatisfactory (US). In case of unsatisfactory, it will be done from scratch.

Semester-I (16 Cr. Hrs.)

Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs.
CY 1133 Programming Fundamentals 3
CY 1131 Programming Fundamentals Lab 1
CYG 1513 Calculus and Analytical Geometry 3
CYG 1312 Applied Physics 2
CYG 1311 Applied Physics Lab 1
CYG 1612 Applications of Information and Communication Technologies 2
CYG 1611 Applications of Information and Communication Technologies Lab 1
CYG 1113 Functional English 3

Semester - 2

Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs.
MTCY 2063 Complex Variables and Transforms 3
CYG 1123 Expository Writing 3
CY 1123 Object Oriented Programming 3
CY 1121 Object Oriented Programming Lab 1
CY 2313 Digital Logic Design 3
CY 2311 Digital Logic Design Lab 1
MTCY 2033 Linear Algebra 3

Semester - 3

Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs.
CYG 2712 Entrepreneurship 2
CY 2053 Discrete Structures 3
CY 2133 Data Structures and Algorithms 3
CY 2131 Data Structures and Algorithms Lab 1
CYG 2523 Probability and Statistics 3
CYG 2812 Civics and Professional Ethics 2
CY 2203 Fundamentals of Cyber Security 3

Semester - 4

Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs.
CY 4153 Design and Analysis of Algorithm 3
CY 4713 Computer Communications and Networks 3
CY 4711 Computer Communications and Networks Lab 1
CY 2213 Information Security 3
CY 2322 Computer Organization and Assembly Language 2
CY 2321 Computer Organization and Assembly Language Lab 1
CYG 1212 Personal Grooming 2
CYG 1412 Sociology 2
CYG 1022 Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan 2

Semester - 5

Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs.
CY 3643 Malware Analysis 3
CY 3413 Operating Systems 3
CY 3411 Operating Systems Lab 1
CY 3222 Network Security 2
CY 3221 Network Security Lab 1
CY 4723 Computer Architecture 3
CY 4513 Database Systems 3
CY 4511 Database Systems Lab 1

Semester - 6

Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs.
CY 3632 Artificial Intelligence 2
CY 3631 Artificial Intelligence Lab 1
CSCY 3613 Theory of Automata 3
CY 3232 Secure Software Design and Development 2
CY 3231 Secure Software Design and Development Lab 1
CY 4523 Software Engineering 3
CY 3243 Information Assurance 3

Semester - 7

Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs.
CY 4252 Digital Forensics 2
CY 4251 Digital Forensics Lab 1
CYG 1012 Islamic Studies/Ethics 2
CY 4622 Penetration Testing 2
CY 4621 Penetration Testing Lab 1
HMCY 4033 Technical and Business Writing 3
MKCY 4013 Introduction to Marketing 3
CY 4912 Design Project (Part-I) 2

Semester - 8

Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs.
CY 4353 Embedded Systems 3
CY 4652 Vulnerability Assessment & Reverse Engineering 2
CY 4651 Vulnerability Assessment & Reverse Engineering Lab 1
CY 4542 Parallel and Distributed Computing 2
CY 4541 Parallel and Distributed Computing Lab 1
CY 4262 Wireless and Mobile Security 2
CY 4261 Wireless and Mobile Security Lab 1
CY 4924 Design Project (Part-II) 4
Sr. # Statement
  PEO-1 Contribute competently in the computing industry by applying requisite technical skills.
  PEO-2 Demonstrate advancement in computing profession by enhancing their knowledge and skills.
  PEO-3 Demonstrate ethical values and contribute positively towards the society.
Sr. # Learning Objective Statement
   PLO-1 Academic Education

To prepare graduates as computing professionals.

  PLO-2 Knowledge for Solving Computing Problems

Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions.

  PLO-3 Problem Analysis

Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions.

  PLO-4 Design/Development of Solutions

Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the problem’s discipline.

  PLO-5 Modern Tool Usage

Create, select , adapt and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern computing tools to complex computing activities, with an understanding of the limitations.

  PLO-6 Individual and Team Work

Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the problem’s discipline.

  PLO-7 Communication

Communicate effectively, in a variety of professional contexts.

  PLO-8 Computing Professionalism and Society

Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal principles.

  PLO-9 Ethics

Understand and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities, and norms of professional computing practice

  PLO-10 Lifelong Learning Recognize the need, and have the ability, to engage in independent learning for continual development as a computing professional.