BS Psychology

About The Program

The BS- Psychology program is designed to develop and evaluate psychological concepts using a curriculum which advances specialist knowledge in a range of subject areas (including but not limited to clinical, forensic, organizational, counseling and school psychology). The psychology graduates will help address the growing in demand of psychologists various domains like hospitals, academia, organizations, armed forces and public sector organizations. The state-of-the-art campus facilities with experienced faculty make our program best choice for young psychologists of the future.

Admission Requirements

  • Higher Secondary School Certificate or equivalent securing at least 45% marks in aggregate.
  • CUST Admission test/ NTS test/HEC test.

Degree Requirements

Area Cr. Hrs.
a) General Education 30
b) Interdisciplinary / Allied 12
c) Major Courses 72
d) Minor Courses 12
e) Research Thesis 06
f) Internship 03
Total 135

General Education (30 Cr. Hrs.)

Course Title Code Cr. Hrs.
Functional English PSYG1113 3
Expository Writing PSYG1123 3
Islamic Studies/Ethics PSYG1012 2
Language-I PSYG22x2 2
Natural Sciences PSYG13x2 2
Natural Sciences Lab PSYG13x1 1
Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan PSYG1022 2
Sociology PSYG1412 2
Applications of Information & Communication Technologies PSYG1612 2
Applications of Information & Communication Technologies Lab PSYG1611 1
Entrepreneurship PSYG2712 2
Statistics PSYG1563 3
Analytical Reasoning PSYG2583 3
Civic and Community Engagement PSYG1812 2

Allied Courses (12 Cr. Hrs.)

Course Title Code Cr. Hrs.
Teaching and Learning Skills BCMP1003 3
Anthropology PSYB1103 3
Principles of Management MGTP1003 3
Public Mental Health PSYB1793 3
Disaster and Crises Management Behavioral Economics PSYB3063 3
Economics PSYG3223 3
Introduction to Speech Therapy PSYB3083 3
Cognitive & Behavioral Foundations of AI PSYB3093 3

Major Courses (72 Cr. Hrs.)

Course Title Code Cr. Hrs.
Introduction to Psychology PSYB1003 3
Practicals in Psychology PSYB1001 1
Schools and Perspectives in Psychology PSYB1023 3
Social Psychology HMP2073 3
Biological Basis of Behavior PSYB2043 3
Cognitive Psychology PSYB2123 3
Theories of Personality PSYB2023 3
Developmental Psychology PSYB2113 3
Psychopathology-I PSYB3023 3
Psychopathology-II PSYB3033 3
Health Psychology PSYB4043 3
Positive Psychology PSYB4003 3
Counseling Skills Practicum PSYB2212 2
Psychological Assessment PSYB2003 3
Psychological Assessment Practical-I PSYB2001 1
Psychological Assessment Practical-II PSYB3001 1
Research Methods-I RCHP2003 3
Data Analyses MTHP3013 3
Research Methods-II RCHP3103 3
Experimental Psychology PSYB3013 3
Lab Experiments PSYB3021 1
Ethical Issues in Psychology PSYB2073 3
Gender Issues in Psychology PSYB3083 3
Cross Cultural Psychology PSYB4103 3
Applied Areas in Psychology PSYB3063 3
Environmental Psychology PSYB3043 3
Peace Psychology PSYB4013 3

Elective Courses (12 Cr. Hrs.)

a)–Clinical Psychology

Course Title Code Cr. Hrs.
Psychopharmacology PSYB4703 3
Therapeutic Interventions PSYB4733 3
Practicum / Case Reports PSYB4723 3
Neuropsychology PSYB4653 3

b)–Organizational Psychology

Course Title Code Cr. Hrs.
Occupational & Personality Assessment PSYB4113 3
Ergonomics PSYB4123 3
Negotiation and Organizational Conflict Management PSYB4133 3
Consumer Behavior PSYB4773 3

c)–Forensic Psychology

Course Title Code Cr. Hrs.
Psychology of Criminal Behavior PSYB4213 3
Interventions with Offenders PSYB4223 3
Forensic Practice / Case Reports PSYB4233 3
Vulnerable Groups in Forensic Settings PSYB4243 3

d)–Educational Psychology

Course Title Code Cr. Hrs.
Child Psychopathology PSYB4313 3
Assessment in Educational Psychology PSYB4323 3
Prevention and Interventions in Educational Setting PSYB4333 3
Applied Behavior Analyses PSYB4343 3

Research Thesis (6 Cr. Hrs.)

It is mandatory for every student to complete a thesis following the 6th semester or after the completion of 100 credit hours of course work. The thesis shall be completed in two parts as given below:

Course Title Code Cr. Hrs.
Research Thesis Part I RCHP4913 3
Research Thesis Part II RCHP4923 3

Internship (03 Cr. Hrs.)

It is mandatory for every student to complete a thesis following the 6th semester or after the completion of 100 credit hours of course work. The thesis shall be completed in two parts as given below:

Course Title Code Cr. Hrs.
Internship PY4003 3

Community Service (VIS4000)

Each student is required to complete 65 hours community work, usually after 4th semester which is a prerequisite for the award of BS degree.

Program Duration

This is a four year degree program comprising of 8 semesters. There will be a Fall and a Spring semester each year. The summer semester will be utilized for internship or deficiency courses. The maximum duration to complete the BS Psychology degree is 7 years.

CGPA Requirement

A student is required to earn a minimum 2.00/4.00 CGPA on completion of his/her degree requirements.

Semester - 1

Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs.
PSYG 1113 Functional English 3
PSYB 1xx3 Allied Course -I 3
PSYB 1xx3 Allied Course -II 3
PSYG 13×2 Natural Sciences 2
PSYG 13×1 Natural Sciences Lab 1
PSYB 1003 Introduction to Psychology 3
PSYG 1612 Applications of Information & Communication Technologies 2
PSYG 1611 Applications of Information & Communication Technologies Lab 1

Semester - 2

Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs.
PSYG 1412 Sociology 2
PSYG 1123 Expository Writing 3
PSYG 1812 Civic and Community Engagement 2
PSYG 1563 Statistics 3
PSYB 1023 Schools and Perspectives in Psychology 3
PSYG 1012 Islamic Studies / Ethics 2
PSYB 1001 Practical in Psychology 1

Semester - 3

Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs.
PSYG 1022 Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan 2
HMP 2073 Social Psychology 3
PSYG 2712 Entrepreneurship 2
PSYB 2212 Counselling Skills Practicum 2
PSYG 2583 Analytical Reasoning 3
PSYB 2023 Theories of Personality 3
PSYB 2043 Biological Basis of Behavior 3

Semester - 4

Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs.
RCHP 2003 Research Methods-I 3
PSYB 2073 Ethical Issues in Psychology 3
PSYB 2113 Developmental Psychology 3
PSYB 2003 Psychological Assessment 3
PSYB 2123 Cognitive Psychology 3
PSYG 2xx2 Language-I 2
PSYB 2001 Psychological Assessment Practical-I 1

Semester - 5

Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs.
PSYB 3xx3 Allied Course-III 3
PSYB 3063 Applied Areas in Psychology 3
RCHP 3103 Research Methods-II 3
MTHP 3013 Data Analyses 3
PSYB 3023 Psychopathology-I 3
PSYB 3001 Psychological Assessment Practical-II 1

Semester - 6

Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs.
PSYB 3xx3 Allied Course-IV 3
PSYB 3043 Environmental Psychology 3
PSYB 3033 Psychopathology-II 3
PSYB 3013 Experimental Psychology 3
PSYB 3021 Lab Experiment 1
PSYB 3083 Gender Issues in Psychology 3


Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs.
PY 4003 Internship 3

Semester - 7

Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs.
PSYB 4103 Cross Cultural Psychology 3
PSYB 4043 Health Psychology 3
PSYB 4xx3 Elective-I 3
PSYB 4xx3 Elective-II 3
RCHP 4913 Research Thesis Part-I 3

Semester - 8

Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs.
PSYB 4003 Positive Psychology 3
PSYB 4013 Peace Psychology 3
PSYB 4xx3 Elective-III 3
PSYB 4xx3 Elective-IV 3
RCHP 4923 Research Thesis Part-II 3

PEOs describe the expected accomplishments of the BS Psychology graduates after completion of the above-mentioned program. The Department of Psychology intends to achieve the following objectives:

Sr. # Statement
PEO-1 The graduates will demonstrate their knowledge about key concepts, principles, and overarching psychology themes along with their applications.
PEO-2 The graduates will incorporate their innovative, integrative, and problem-solving skills to develop diverse communities at local, national, and global levels, through scientific reasoning, and research based on ethical standards.
PEO-3 The graduates will demonstrate effective written, oral, and interpersonal communication skills to lead meaningfully charged professional careers.
  Sr. # Learning Objective Statement
   PLO-1 Knowledge:

An ability to understand acquired knowledge on sensation, perception, cognition, learning, memory, language, intelligence, motivation, emotion, sexuality, gender, personality, psychological disorders, neuroscience and treatments, cross-cultural diversity, and social considerations.

  PLO-2 Problem Analysis:

An ability to identify, analyze,
formulate, and apply gained knowledge in the field of psychology for configuring theoretical and practical problems.

  PLO-3 Scientific Reasoning and Modern Tool Usage:

An ability to use relevant sources of scientific knowledge to identify, frame, and generate novel and practical solutions for psychological issues by using requisite modern tools and research methods.

  PLO-4 Corporate Social Responsibility:

An ability to understand the impact of societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate knowledge of health, safety, legal, and cultural concerns for sustainable development.

  PLO-5 Ethics:

Apply ethical principles in professional manner, keeping in view the norms of society.

  PLO-6 Communication:

An ability to communicate professionally, verbally as well as in writing.

  PLO-7 Individual and Team Work:

An ability to work individually and collectively in teams, in multifaceted and/or multidisciplinary settings.

  PLO-8 Management Skills:

To apply psychology specific content in intra and interpersonal management, treatment, project management, teamwork exhibit self-reflection, and career preparation in a cohesive environment.

  PLO-9 Entrepreneurial and Professional Skills:

An ability to exhibit work-place entrepreneurial and professional skills in hospital, educational, military or industrial/organizational setups, by adding innovation and integrity in relevant fields.

  PLO-10 Lifelong Learning:

Ability to transfer learned knowledge of psychology in novel contexts and diverse situations.