Safety is one of the important aspects in our life. Starting from safety at home to road safety and safety at our workplace, it involves understanding of safety risks and efforts to eliminate such risks. In addition, waste material and releases from our industry has an impact on general health in the society. The course gives student a broad understanding of safety at home, at workplace, and impact of releases and industrial waste to the individual and to the society. Methods to minimize safety risk will also be the part of the course.


CLO: 1. Apply the knowledge of safety, health and environment to predict societal, legal and cultural impact of industrial pollution C3.
CLO: 2. Analyze the impact of industrial waste/ releases on the society and identify solution for sustainable development.C4


Introduction of Health and Safety – Three Lectures
• Industrial Safety
• Introduction objectives of Safety
• Importance of Safety in an industry
• Industrial accidents
• Effects of accidents
• Types of accidents incidence of fire.
• Fire prevention and control.
Techniques of Safety Management – Three Lectures
• Principles of accident prevention, hazard analysis.
• Legal, humanitarian and economic reason for action.
• Safety inspection procedures.
• Safety training, First aid and emergency procedures.
Environment and Health – Two Lectures
• Introduction: importance of clean environment
• Scale of Environmental Pollution.
• Environmental Act.
• Health and Safety Act.
Atmospheric Pollution – Two Lectures
• Types of Atmospheric pollution
• Their Causes and Effects on Human Health
• Available Technologies for Controlling Pollution.
Industrial Waste – Three Lectures
• Solid Waste
• Industrial Effluents and Waste Gases
• Waste treatment plants.
Noise Pollution – Two Lectures
• Measurement of Noise level
• Effect of excessive noise on human health.
• Remedial Measures.
Standards– One Lectures
• Pak-EPA National Environmental Quality (NEQs) Standards