– To familiarize students with the Information Security and Forensics concepts using different tools and simulation environments.
– Students will learn to analyze the information security related threats, which may allow an attacker to compromise the security of an information system.


CLO: 1. Describe and understand concepts of Information Security [C1-Knowledge].
CLO: 2. Analyze real world scenarios in perspective of Information Security and model them using different security measures [C3-Analysis].
CLO: 3. Apply the concepts of confidentiality, integrity and availability using different tools and techniques [C4-Application].
CLO: 4.CLO:4. Create solutions to real life scenarios using different security related tools [C5-Synthesis]


Introduction to Information Security
• Information security and software engineering
• Cryptography
• Malware, Information security attacks
• Use of Security Tools such as Firewalls.
• Use of Security Tools such as IDS/IPS.
• Introduction to Risk Management, Risk Assessment, Risk Analysis, Risk Mitigation
• Operating System Security and Buffer Overflow attacks
• Database Management Systems Security Measures
• Understanding Computer Forensics