Goal of this course is to introduce concepts of establishing, defining and managing the requirements for software systems. Students will be guided to develop an understanding and use of
• Software requirements engineering process
• Identification and role of stakeholders in software requirement
• Issues with software requirements
• Software requirements elicitation and specification
• Analysis and modeling of software requirements and
• Software requirements management (change and traceability)
CLO: 1. Understand the importance of following systematic requirements engineering processes and techniques.
CLO: 2. Effectively gather and analyze software requirements for the development of cost-effective and efficient technical solutions.
CLO: 3. Use standard requirements engineering techniques for eliciting, analyzing, validating and managing software requirements.
• Introduction to Software Requirements Engineering
• Types of software requirements
• SRE process, SRE Players
• Human, Social and Cultural Factors
• Requirements Elicitation Process and Techniques
• Requirements analysis Techniques
• Requirements Negotiation Process
• Requirements Validation Techniques
• Requirements Management Techniques
• Software Requirements Documentation Process
• Software Requirements Quality attributes
• Software Requirements Modeling Process
• Use Case Model
• Software Requirement Engineering in Agile Development Process
• Software Requirement Engineering in Software Product Line