Soil ecology is the study of interactions between soil organisms and the soil environment. The field is of interest to a broad range of scientists including environmentalists, agronomists, plant pathologists, food scientists and ecologists. The need to understand the relation of the soil environment to the presence and functioning of species and communities of soil organisms unifies studies in soil ecology. A theme throughout this course will thus be the complexity of the soil environment is reflected in the kinds and functions of organisms from the individual to community level of organization. Our goal in this course is to develop a level of comprehension at the graduate level in how soil biological communities respond to soil environmental conditions, plants, and land management. The course is tailored to the interests of the students. The topic areas to be covered will be developed with consultation of students. This course is offered in the winter term if there are more than 4 students enrolled. The course structure has usually been a mix of lectures by the instructor and students. Discussion and analysis of research papers is also done to obtain depth in understanding in key topics. Students have been graded based on their lecture presentation, a major report reviewing the subject area of their presentation, short assignment for each paper discussed in class, and class participation.
CLO: 1 To critically examine the challenges of sustainability across the globe [C1-Analysis]
CLO: 2 To develop an understanding of the complex nature of life and environment interactions. [C2- Creation]
CLO: 3 To strengthen critical thinking, discussion and analysis of results [C3- Comprehension]
CLO: 4 Apply the principles of the scientific method to collect, analyse and interpret ecological data. [C4-Application]
1 General Introduction
2 The Soil Environment
3 Soil Biological Diversity
4 Methods In Soil Ecology
5 Soil Food Webs
6 Soil Health
7 Soil Organic Carbon Cycling
8 Soil Nitrogen Cycling
9 Rhizosphere Associations
10 Tillage Effects On Diversity And Function Of Soil Food Webs
11 Application Of Bioindicators To Soil Health
12 Control Of Gaseous Products Of Nitrification And Dentrification By Enzymes And Soil Conditions
13 Stabilization Of Organic Carbon In Soil: Processes, Potential And Comparison Of Environments
14 Metagenomics Applied To Soil Microbial Communities: Methods, Application And Potential
15 Microbial Inoculants: Do They Work And What Is Their Future Potential?
16 Role Of Microorganisms In Bioremediation