• To apply principles of surveying.
• Have the ability to apply knowledge of control surveys and their use in advanced branches.
• To develop skills to use modern tools in related field problems
CLO: 1. to explain and prepare survey schemes using advanced techniques.
CLO: 2. to measure areas/volumes of civil engineering projects and dimensions of curves on roads & highways etc. by using various methods.
CLO: 3. to justify measured areas/volumes of civil engineering projects and dimensions of curves on roads & highways etc..
CLO: 4. to perform calculations using MS Excel for measuring areas/volumes of civil engineering projects.
- Surveying Drafting and Computations
- Maps and plans, plotting contour maps, profiles and cross sections
- End areas and volumes, prismoidal formula
- Area computations, area by graphical analysis
- Use of surveying software
- Highway and Railway Curves
- Route surveys, circular curves, deflections and chord calculations
- Setting out circular curves by various methods
- Compound curves, reverse, vertical, parabolic curves
- Computation of high or low point on a vertical curve
- Design considerations, spiral curves, spiral curve computations
- Approximate solution for spiral problems, super elevations
- Construction Surveys
- Introduction, horizontal and vertical control
- Buildings, rail roads
- Pipeline and other construction surveys
- Hydrographic Surveys
- Objectives of hydrographic survey and electronic charting
- Vertical control, depth and tidal measurements
- Position fixing techniques
- Sounding plan, horizontal control
- Control Surveys
- Geodesy universal transverse mercator grid system,
- Modified transverse mercator grid system
- Lambert projection
- Computations for lambert projection
- Global Positioning System
- Background information, global positioning, receivers
- Satellites errors
- GPS surveying techniques and applications
- Survey planning, initial ambiguity resolution
- Vertical positioning