• To introduce the concept of environmental pollution, contamination and its sources particularly in context to water.
• To learn principles of environmental engineering applied to the design and implementation of water supply schemes.
• To introduce knowledge of Environmental laws and regulations required in context to pollution control and impact assessment requirement.
• Introduction to Impact Assessment concept and techniques.


CLO: 1. to examine recommended water treatment techniques
CLO: 2. to interpret environmental legislation and regulation impact assessment.
CLO: 3. to debate on concepts of environmental and water engineering to air, noise and water pollution issues and to defend design steps of proposed water distribution network(s).
CLO: 4. to perform water distribution network(s) design by using MS Excel/EPANET software.


  1. Introduction
    • Environment Engineering
    • Water Engineering
    • Sanitary Engineering
    • Air & Noise Pollution
  2. Water Pollution
    • Water chemistry and characteristics
    • Introduction to sources of pollution
    • Effects on water quality
    • Control parameters
  3. Water Demand and Supply
    • Population forecast
    • Water uses & consumption
    • Types and variations in demand
    • Maximum demand & fire demand
  4. Water Quality
    • Water impurities & their health significance
    • Water quality guidelines/standards (US. & WHO, etc)
    • Water quality monitoring
  5. Water Sampling and Testing
    • Sampling techniques and examination of water (physical, chemical and microbiological parameters)
    • Water borne diseases
  6. Water Treatment
    • Treatment of surface & ground water
    • Screening, (types of settling), coagulation and flocculation
    • Filtration
    • Design aspects of slow sand and rapid sand filters and their operations
    • Pressure filters
    • Membrane Technology (Reverse Osmosis, Ultrafiltration)
  7. Miscellaneous Water Treatment Techniques
    • Fluoridation, Iron & Manganese removal
    • Water softening methods
    • Water disinfection and chemicals
    • Chlorination
    • Emergency treatment methods
    • Ozone
    • Ultraviolet
  8. Water Distribution
    • Layout and design of water transmission works and distribution networks
    • Service reservoirs
    • Fixtures and their installation
    • Tapping of water mains
    • Urban and Rural Water Supply
  9. Introduction to Environmental Legislation and Regulations
    • Basic definitions and differences in terms
    • International Acts, Treaties, Agendas and Accords
    • Environmental Protection Agency
    • Pakistan Environmental Protection Act 1997
    • National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS)
  10. Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment
    • Definitions, activity, consequence, effect-impact, relationship, magnitude, duration and significance.
    • Assessment types
    • IEE & EIA in context to PEPA applicable to development projects
    • EIA process
    • EIA Study
    • EIA Analysis
    • EIA Techniques
    • Environmental & Monitoring Plan