• Describe and identify fundamental concepts of digital logic design including basic and universal gates, number systems, binary coded systems, basic components of combinational and sequential circuits
  • Transform the acquired knowledge to apply techniques related to the design and analysis of digital electronic circuits including Boolean algebra and multi-variable Karnaugh map methods
  • Analyze small-scale combinational and sequential digital circuits
  • Design small-scale combinational and synchronous sequential digital circuit using Boolean algebra and K-maps


CLO: 1. Identify and explain fundamental concepts of digital logic design including basic and universal gates, number systems, binary coded systems, basic components of combinational and sequential circuits. (C1)
CLO: 2. Demonstrate the acquired knowledge to apply techniques related to the design and analysis of digital electronic circuits including Boolean algebra and multi-variable Karnaugh map methods.(C2)
CLO: 3. Analyze small-scale combinational and sequential digital circuits. (C3)
CLO: 4. Design small-scale combinational and synchronous sequential digital circuit using Boolean algebra and K-maps (C3)


  1. Introduction, Number Systems
  2. Boolean Algebra, Logic Gates
  3. Gate Level Minimization
  4. Combinational Logic
  5. Sequential Circuits
  6. Registers and Counters