Cell Biology (BI-1113)
Recommended Book(s)
A Textbook Of Botany (Angiosperms) S. Chand And Co. New Delhi
Reference Book(s)
- Mauseth, J. D. 1998. An Introduction To Plant Biology: Multimedia Enhanced.
- Jones And Bartlett Pub UK
- Stuessy, T. F. 1990. Plant Taxonomy. Columbia University Press, USA.
- Raymond E, S. E. Eichhorn.2005. Esau’s Plant Anatomy. Meristems Cells And Tissues Of The Plant Body, 3rd Ed. John Wiley & Sons. Inc.
- Fahn, A. 1990. Plant Anatomy. Pergamon Press, Oxford.
- Eames A. J. And L. H Mac Daniels. 2002.
- An Introduction To Plant Anatomy.Tata-Mac Graw-Hill Publishing Company, Limited, New Delhi.
- Pullaiah, T. 2007. Taxonomy Of Angiosperms. 3rd Edition, Regency Publications, New Delhi.
- Rajput, M. T. S. S. Hassney And K. M. Khan. 1996. Plant Taxonomy. NewTrends Computer Service, Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan
• To make the students know about: • Basic concepts of Systemetic and classification • To know about animal and plant kingdom and their division and sub division • To get awareness and understanding of Morphology and various morphological characters root, stem, leaf, inflorescence, flower, placentation and fruit types • To get the Importance and relationship with other sciences,like Phases of plant taxonomy.
A student after taking this course will be able to:
Classification: brief history of various systems of classification
Introduction to animal & plant nomenclature, importance of Latin names and binomial system with an introduction to International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN).Vienna code.
Will understand the Morphology: a detailed account of various morphological characters root, stem, leaf, inflorescence, flower, lacentation and fruit types.
Enable to understand the Morphology: a detailed account of various morphological characters root, animal kingdom
- Introduction to Plant Systematic:
- Aims, objectives and importance.
- Classification: brief history of various systems of classification with emphasis on pak.
- Brief introduction to nomenclature
- Importance of Latin names and binomial system with an introduction to International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN).Vienna code.
- Morphology: a detailed account of various morphological characters root, stem, leaf, inflorescence, flower, placentation and fruit types.
- Introduction: Importance and relationship with other sciences,
- Phases of plant taxonomy.
- Origin and radiation of angiosperm, their probable ancestors,
- Concept of Species:
- What is a species?
- Taxonomic species,
- Biological species,
- Micro and macro species,
- Species aggregate.
- Infra specific categories.
- Speciation: Mechanism of speciation,
- Mutation and hybridization Geographical isolation,
- Reproductive isolation, Gradual and abrupt.
- Variation: Types of variation, Continuous and discontinuous variation
- Systematic and Genecology / Biosystematics: Introduction and importance,
- Methodology of conducting biosystematics studies
- Various biosystematics
- Taxonomic Evidence: Importance and types of taxonomic evidences:
- Anatomical, cytological, molecular, palynological, geographical and embryological
- Nomenclature : Important rules of botanical nomenclature including effective
- Valid publication, typification, principles of priority and its limitations, author citation,
- Rank of main taxonomic categories, conditions for rejecting names.
- Classification: Why classification is necessary? Importance of predictive value.
- Brief history, Different systems of classification with at least one example
- Brief introduction of Numerical taxonomy.