1. To learn about the basic composition and function of biomolecules.
2. To identify the nature of biomolecules and level of different
3. To detect the abnormalities in the body through biochemical parameters.
CLO: 1. Understand the structure, composition and function of biomolecules.
CLO: 2. Perform different identification and confirmation tests used in study of biomolecules.
CLO: 3. Analyze biochemical tests to differentiate between normal and pathological conditions.
CLO: 4. Participate in group discussion and answer effectively in study of biomolecules involved in normal and pathological conditions.
1. Introduction to biochemistry lab.
2. Introduction to carbohydrates.
3. Benedict’s test for detection of carbohydrates.
4. Molisch’s test for the identification of carbohydrates.
5. Iodine test for the identification of carbohydrates.
6. Selivanoff’s test for the identification of carbohydrates.
7. Osazone test for the identification of carbohydrates.
8. Barfoed’s test for the identification of carbohydrates.
9. Biuret test for the identification of proteins.
10. Ninhydrin test for the identification of proteins.
11. Blood sampling from healthy volunteer.
12. Estimation of blood glucose level.
13. Demonstration of glucose tolerance test.
14. Estimation of serum bilirubin level.
15. Estimation of serum creatinine.
16. Quantitative analysis of total plasma proteins by biuret’s method.