The main objective of physical pharmacy lab is to make students conversant with the basic principles of physical pharmacy. The experiments are designed with the objective to inculcate skills in the students to perform different lab procedures, equipment operations and relevant calculations.


CLO: 1. To explain principles, theory and experiments used in physical pharmacy with special focus on physicochemical properties.
CLO: 2. To perform skillfully laboratory experiments related to physical pharmacy by operating different laboratory equipment and execute relevant calculations, graphical presentations and results.
CLO: 3. To analyze given data, graphs and calculations using basic principles of physical pharmacy.


1. Introduction to good laboratory practices (GLP), glassware and equipment.
2. Preparation of molar, molal and normal solutions.
3. Preparation of stock solution and serial dilutions.
4. Examination of UV spectroscopy and preparation of a standard curve.
5. Determination of unknown concentration of a solution from standard curve using UV-visible spectrophotometer.
6. Preparation of phosphate (Sorensen’s) buffer at pH 7.4.
7. Preparation of McIlvane’s buffer at two assigned pH values.
8. Determination of density of given liquids at room temperature by pycnometer method.
9. Determination of concentration of a given liquid at room temperature by pycnometer method.
10. Determination of surface tension of given liquids by drop weight method.
11. Determination of surface tension of given liquids by drop count method.
12. Determination of concentration of a given liquid at room temperature by surface tension method.
13. Introduction to emulsions, determination of different types and emulsion instabilities.
14. Introduction to micromeritics and determination of particle size distribution through sieve analysis.