1.To understand the principles of animal handing and drug administration.
2.To demonstratee pharmacological action of a drug in a laboratory setting to develop practical understanding of the drug action on laboratory animals.
3.To understand possible underlying mechanism/receptor involvement and illustration.
CLO: 1. Describe action of a given drug on laboratory animals
CLO: 2. Demonstrate mechanism of action of drugs using agonist/antagonist
CLO: 3. Analyze the given data and interpret the results
1. Laboratory protocols for working in the pharmacology laboratory
2. Handling of laboratory animals
3. Introduction to Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), its divisions and neurotransmitters
4. Determine the effect of Acetylcholine on intestinal smooth muscle of Rabbit
5. Determine the effect of Atropine on intestinal smooth muscle of Rabbit
6. Determine the agonistic effect of different concentrations of acetylcholine on intestinal smooth muscle of Rabbit
7. Determine the effect of un-known concentration of acetylcholine on Rabbits intestine
8. Pharmacological antagonism of acetylcholine and atropine on intestinal smooth muscle of Rabbit’s intestine
9. Effect of different concentrations of calcium chloride on intestinal smooth muscle of Rabbit’s intestine
10. Anti-bacterial agents and pharmacological therapy of bacterial infections
11. Anti-protozoal agents and their actions
12. Anti-viral agents and pharmacological therapy of viral infections
13. Anti-fungal agents and pharmacological therapy of fungal infections