• To enhance the skills related to bearing capacity and settlement evaluation of soils.
• To apply principles of soil mechanics to engineering problems pertaining to retaining structures, foundations and embankments.
CLO: 1. to implement and demonstrate knowledge of Geotech in finding soil parameters and improvement of weak strata.
CLO: 2. to demonstrate and prepare simple task related to geotechnical engineering (i.e. bearing capacity, settlement and slop stability analysis) using modern tool/ software (Slide 6.0, settle 3D, PLAXIS 2D/3D etc.)
CLO: 3. to analyze soil parameters through obtained experimental or software data.
CLO: 4. to justify and defend recommended soil parameters and soil investigation techniques.
- Shear Strength of Soil
- Concept of Shear Strength
- Normal & Shear Stresses along a plane
- Analysis of stresses using Mohr’s Circle
- Total stresses and pore pressure,
- Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria,
- Shear strength of cohesive and non-cohesive soils
- Laboratory and field tests for determination of shear strength
- Drained and undrained analysis
- Bearing Capacity of Soils
- Principal modes of failure
- Definition of: gross, net, effective, and ultimate allowable bearing capacity
- Bearing capacity theories
- Bearing Capacity of eccentrically loaded foundations
- Effective area method
- Reduction factor method
- Selection of bearing capacity type against particular loading
- Practical problems and solutions
- Presumptive values from codes, from plate load test
- Bearing capacity from SPT and CPT data
- Consolidation Settlement
- Primary and secondary consolidation settlements.
- Normally and pre-consolidated soils.
- Mechanics of consolidation, theory of one dimensional consolidation, assumptions and validity
- Determination of compression index and coefficient of consolidation, magnitude and Time Rate of consolidation settlement.
- Causes of settlement and methods of controlling settlement.
- Allowable total and differential settlement.
- Slope Stability and methods of analysis
- Types of slopes
- Factors affecting stability and remedies
- Types of failure
- Ordinary methods of slices
- Swedish circle method
- Introduction to software (RocScience)
- Earth and Rock Fill Dams
- Definition of an earth dam, types of earth and rock fill dams
- General design considerations and typical cross-sections
- Components of an earth dam and their functions
- Pile Foundations
- Types of Piles and Their Structural Characteristics
- Continuous Flight Auger (CFA) Piles
- Estimating Pile Length
- Installation of Piles
- Load Transfer Mechanism
- Equations for Estimating Pile Capacity
- Meyerhof’s Method for Estimating Qp
- Vesic’s Method for Estimating Qp
- Coyle and Castello’s Method for Estimating Qp in Sand
- Correlations for Calculating Qp with SPT and CPT Results in Granular Soil
- Frictional (Skin) Resistance (Qs) in Sand
- Frictional (Skin) Resistance (Qs) in Clay
- Pile Load Tests
- Elastic Settlement of Piles
- Group Efficiency
- Ultimate Capacity of Group Piles in Saturated Clay
- Elastic Settlement of Group Piles
- Beams on elastic foundations
- Introduction to Advanced geotechnical engineering techniques
- Soil Improvement Basic principles, Objectives and methods
- Soil Dynamics (Liquefaction assessment)