This course will introduce students with important clinical concepts in the medical field of infectious diseases. microbial diagnosis, etiology, epidemiology (transmission, susceptibility, patterns). pathogenesis (how the organisms cause disease), symptoms, prevention, vaccination, treatment (drug or other treatment options) and complications (spectrum of disease, other complications of infection).


CLO: 1. To describe the essential concepts of pathogens, virulence and pathogenesis.
CLO: 2. To explain the human diseases and their spread and control
CLO: 3. To apply the knowledge of pathogens in diagnosis and treatment.


  1. Introduction and scope of food microbiology
  2. Food related microorganisms their classification, genetics and biochemistry
  3. Sources of microorganisms in food
  4. Microbial interaction, attachment and growth
  5. Factors influencing microbial growth in food environment
  6. Lactic acid producing bacteria (LAB) in food and their important metabolites: bacteriocins, lantibiotics, probiotics and enzymes.
  7. Applications of LAB in food technology
  8. Revision week
  9. Quiz + midterm examination
  10. Traditional fermented food; microbiology of fermented foods.
  11. Microbial food spoilages; Factors and microbial metabolites
  12. Food borne pathogens, infection, toxification and indicators of food borne pathogens
  13. Control of microbes in food by physical, chemical and biological methods.
  14. Introduction to hurdle technology
  15. HASSAP