Microbial ecology course will cover the environmental microbes and their interactions with each other. It will provide students with information and training about microbial diversity, interactions, ecology and evolution, including roles in bioremediation, recycling, food production and biotechnology


CLO: 1. Demonstrate knowledge of organismal diversity and evolution (including the concepts of natural selection, fitness, microevolution and macroevolution). Learning level C2)
CLO: 2. Apply quantitative methods to biological situations. (using mathematical and statistical formulas to make various calculations for population growth, life tables and population genetics) (Learning level C3).
CLO: 3. Infer and report information from the scientific literature, electronic databases and online resources Ecological practices and problems. (Learning level C4)


  1. Microbes and Microbial ecology
  2. Methods in Microbial Ecology
  3. Microbial Ecosystem
  4. Elements, biochemical, and structure of microbes
  5. Microbial!Evolution!and! Phylogeny
  6. Microbial growth, biomass production, and controls
  7. Biogeochemical Cycling
  8. Predation and protists
  9. Soil and Subsurface Microbiology
  10. Estuarine and Marine Microbiology
  11. Human Microbiome
  12. Petroleum!Microbiology!and!Oil! Spills
  13. Food!Microbiology
  14. Process in anoxic environments
  15. Community!Ecology
  16. Microbial Agents of Disease