Office of External Linkages and Internal Collaboration Held Seminar on “Pakistan to Germany Studies”
The seminar on “Pakistan to Germany Studies” was held on February 28th, 2023, at 12:00 pm in Auditorium A2 at the Capital University of Science and Technology. The seminar aimed to provide students interested in pursuing higher studies in Germany with information for admission Visa and lining expenses etc. The event was attended by a large number of 7th and 8th semester students from all the departments. The seminar was conducted by Major General Shaukat, Head of P2GS organization, who provided an overview of the German higher education system and the opportunities available to Pakistani students. The audience was actively engaged throughout the event, asking insightful questions. The event provided insights into the challenges and opportunities facing Pakistani students interested in studying in Germany. It highlighted the need for language skills and financial support to help students succeed.