Parallel Computing and Network
Department: Computer Science

Dr. Muhammad Arshed Islam
Designation: Head/Supervisor
Research group head Profile
Dr. M. Arshad Islam has been working at Capital University of Science & Technology Islamabad as Assistant Professor in the department of computer science since February 2013. He is currently the member of Parallel Computing and Networks research group at CUST. He is also part of the program team for Quality Enhancement Cell at CUST. He has additional responsibilities as Secretary and Treasurer for IEEE Islamabad section. Previously he have been working at GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology as an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering. Other than teaching responsibilities, he have been involved in several administrative assignments such as, in the Quality Enhancement Cell at GIK Institute as a coordinator, GIKI Representative for Curriculum revision committee formed by HEC Pakistan for Computer Science, Member of the Management Information System Development committee, member of ICT team for GIKI LAN supervision. Currently, Dr M. Arshad Islam is the member of assessment team for FCSE at GIK Institute. During this time, he has supervised several Final year Projects, some of them have been successful to obtain National Grass Root Research Initiative Funding. Dr. Islam has completed his Ph.D. from University of Konstanz, Germany in May 2011 as DAAD scholar. He has spent approx 5 years under the supervision of Dr. Marcel Walvogel exploring the routing issues in Delay Tolerant Networks and Opportunistic Networks. During this period, he have been working as Teaching Assistant and supervised a few MS and BS projects.
Introduction of the group
Research in the fields of Parallel Computing and Networks are inherently correlated, as parallel computer requires reliable network communication to maximize the performance of computations. Traditionally wired networks have been considered for connecting the components of parallel computers however recently ad hoc networks consisting of handheld devices have also been tested and analyzed for this purpose.
The focus of Parallel Computing and Networks research group (PCN) at Capital University of Science & Technology includes various involved aspects such as social networks, parallel & distributed computing, IP, wireless, and ad-hoc networks.
S. No | Name | Designation | |
1 | Dr. Muhammad Arshed Islam | arshed.islam@ | Head/Supervisor |
2 | Dr. Muhammad Aleem | aleem@ | Supervisor |
3 | Dr. Muhammad Azhar Iqbal | azhar@ | Supervisor |
4 | Mr. Ibrahim | ibrahimmayar@vu.edu.pk | Member |
5 | Mr. Altaf Hussain | saddamaltaf@gmail.com | Member |
6 | Mr. Yasir Nouman | yasirnomankhalid@gmail.com | Member |
7 | Mr. Rafiullah | rafiyz@gmail.com | Member |
8 | Mr. Mohibullah | mrmohibkhan@yahoo.com | Member |
9 | Mr. Muhammad Asif | masifqadri2000@yahoo.com | Member |
10 | Ms. Lubna Zafar | lubbnaa@gmail.com | Member |
11 | Mr. Shafiq-ur-Rehman | shaffiqmasud@gmail.com | Member |
12 | Mr. Jawad Usman | jawadusman2010@yahoo.com | Member |
13 | Mr. Shabbar Hussain | abbas.shabbar@gmail.com | Member |
14 | Mr. Usman Ahmed | usmanahmed189@gmail.com | Member |
15 | Mr. Abdul Samad | writetosamadalvi@gmail.com | Member |
16 | Mr. Zeeshan ur Rehman | zs_rehman@yahoo.com | Member |
Research Areas
- Cloud computing
- Scheduling and resource management
- Parallel programming paradigms
- Performance instrumentation and measurements
- Energy efficient programming (Green IT)
- Compiler optimizations and analysis
- Distributed agent-based systems
- Mobile/Wireless Distributed Systems
- QoS/QoE issues in Wireless Networks
- Social Network Analysis
- Graph Modeling
- Self-Organizing Wireless Networks
- Design and Analysis of Opportunistic Routing Protocols
- Vehicular Cloud Computing
- Modeling and Simulation Analysis of Wireless Ad hoc Networks