• To enhance the ability of students to learn the various principles of computations related to quantity surveying.
• To enhance skill of students in preparing detail estimates and bill of quantities for various civil engineering projects.
• To familiarize students with tender and contract documents.
CLO: 1. to explain terminologies/processes related to Civil Engineering quantity surveying & estimation and to prepare manual Bill of Quantities (BOQ) of a simple load bearing structure.
CLO: 2. to seek clarification about a BOQ and to justify his/her prepared BOQ.
CLO: 3. to apply software tools (excel) for quantification.
- Scope
- Scope of civil engineering works
- General practice in government departments for schedule of rates and specifications
- Rates and cost analysis of construction materials
- International and national specifications for various items of construction e.g. NHA specifications etc.
- Types and methods of estimates (overview and discussion of estimating procedures and considerations for concrete retaining wall, steel truss, road, sewer and water pipe works)
- Quantity Surveying of a Simple Load-Bearing Structure
- Quantity of excavation
- Quantity of sub-structure concrete
- Quantity of plaster
- Quantity of sub-structure masonry
- Quantity of backfill
- Quantity of bitumen
- Quantity of sub-structure misc. items
- Quantity of super-structure concrete for different structural elements
- Quantity of super-structure masonry
- Quantity of flooring, dado/skirting and tiles
- Quantity of steel for sub- and super-structure including bar bending schedule
- Quantity of super-structure misc. items
- Quantity of plumbing items
- Quantity of electrical items
- Quantity of architectural items
- Calculating quantity of course & fine aggregate for laying certain thickness of road layers
- Calculation of concrete for lining of canals
- Calculation of machine cost involved in the project (renting, buying, operating and maintaining machinery)
- Bill of Quantities (BOQ) & Measurement Book (MB)
- Contents and preparation of BOQ (Specification and costing of sitework, excavation, backfill, concrete, masonry, carpentry, and finishes works) for different projects like irrigation, roads, sanitary, building etc. and maintaining of measurement books
- Escalation, contingency, priced bill of quantity
- BOQ of a simple load-bearing structure
- Project over heads (over view, effects of over heads on the overall project estimate)
- Use of computer software
- Development of worksheets and use of computer software (if any) for quantity surveying and estimation