• To acquaint students with use of steel as a structural component.
• To develop ability of students to design steel structures.
• To use software for analysis and design purpose.
CLO: 1. to investigate steel structural members of simple structures for given loadings.
CLO: 2. to design steel structural members of simple structures for given loadings.
CLO: 3. to justify and defend design of simple steel structures.
CLO: 4. to integrate analyses and design of steel structures using software (ETABs and SAP2000)
- Introduction
- Use of steel as a structural material
- Hot rolled, cold formed and built up sections
- Comparison with concrete construction
- Different design methods (LRFD & ASD)
- Factor of safety, loads and load combinations
- Concept of load and resistance factors, plastic design and limits on design
- Analysis and Design of Members for Tension
- Calculation of effective net area
- Analysis of tension members by ASD and LRFD methods
- Design of tension members by ASD and LRFD methods
- Analysis and Design of Members for Compression
- Euler’s buckling load in columns, effective length
- Residual stresses, local and overall stability
- Slender and Non-slender sections, lateral torsional buckling
- Analysis of compression members by ASD and LRFD methods
- Design of compression members by ASD and LRFD methods
- Single angle compression member
- Built-up columns
- Column Lacing and Tie or stay plate
- Column Base plate
- Analysis and Design of Members for Flexure
- Compact and non-compact sections, stiffened and unstiffened beams
- Analysis of beams (flexure members) by ASD and LRFD methods
- Design of beams (flexure members) by ASD and LRFD methods
- Shear and Deflection in beams
- Beam bearing/base plate
- Plate girder proportioning and stiffener design
- Design of a truss
- Design and drawing of a truss, purlin, roof sheet, cud bearing plate
- Uplift of truss due to wind
- Beam-column and axial-flexure interaction
- Members subject to bending and axial tension
- Members subject to bending and axial compression, second order effects, moment magnification
- Connections
- Types of connections (welded, bolted and riveted truss connections, brackets, moment and shear connections)
- Analysis and design of bolted connections
- Analysis and design of welded connections
- Analysis and design of steel components using software
- Analysis and design of truss using Staad Pro, ETABS and/or SAP