• To enable students to learn basics of analysis of determinate structures.
• To enhance the skills of analyzing determinate structures under various loading conditions.


CLO: 1. To understand and apply the different methods of structural analysis and to determine forces and deflections in members of determinate trusses, frames, arches, and bridges.
CLO: 2. To analyze the determinate trusses and frames.
CLO: 3. To justify the analysis of assigned determinate structures.
CLO: 4. to measure force and deflections of the determinate frames in software using Finite Element Methods. (ETABs, SAP2000).


  1. Introduction to Structural Analysis
    • Types of structures
    • Structural idealization and loads
    • Redundancy and stability of structures
  2. Analysis of Determinate Pin Jointed Structures
    • Method of joints
    • Method of sections
    • Method of moment and shears
    • Graphical method
  3. Analysis of Statically Determinate Rigid Jointed Plane Frames
    • Shear force diagrams
    • Bending moment diagrams
    • Axial force diagrams
  4. Moving Loads
    • Influence lines for reactions
    • Shear force and bending moment in statically determinate beams and paneled girders
    • influence lines for member forces in pin jointed frames
    • Calculation of maximum stress function (reaction, shear, bending moment, axial force) in these structures
  5. Three Hinged Arches, Cables and Suspension Bridges
    • Basic considerations in analysis and design
    • Moving loads on three hinged arches and suspension bridge
  6. Rotation and Deflection
    • Rotation and deflection of beams by moment area method
    • Conjugate beam method
    • Double integration method
    • Castigliano’s second theorem
    • Rotation and deflection of plane trusses and frames
    • Principle of virtual work, unit load method, graphical method