HEC Visit to CUST-ORIC for Accreditation
A team from Higher Education Commission, Office of Research, Innovation and Commercialization visited Capital University of Science and Technology, Islamabad in response to CUST ORIC recognition application on Friday, 25th August, 2023.
On arrival, the HEC team met with the Vice Chancellor of the CUST. The Vice Chancellor cogently articulated them about the University’s academic and administrative operations. After the meeting with Vice Chancellor, the HEC team attended the presentation session. The presentation entails CUST Academics, Statutory Bodies, Quality Management System, CUST ORIC Policies, Operations, Achievement and Strategic Plan from 2022-2026. Director ORIC briefed about the modalities to achieve the targets which are quite align with the HEC ORIC KPIs.
After the presentation session, the HEC team visited the Research Group Labs and Incubation Centers in which they interacted with the research project students and faculty. Thereafter, the team visited CUST ORIC office and appraised the documentation related to Patent filing and Commercialization. The Director ORIC substantiated their queries and inquiries with relevant documents.
While concluding the visit, Head of the HEC team acknowledged and appreciated the magnanimity of the resources, operations and management capabilities which are pretty good and synchronized in order to advance the mission and objectives of the university and ORIC. The HEC team also appreciated the efforts of management, faculty and ORIC to conduct the visit in a proficient manner.