Pharma Spark-Mosquito Menace Poster Competition
Pharma Spark Society under the supervision of Faculty of Pharmacy organized a Poster Competition entitled “Mosquito Menace: Innovative Approaches to Malaria/Dengue Control” in highlighting innovative approaches to controlling Malaria/Dengue. The activity greatly served the UN Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-Being) Specifying the target 3.3.
Event Description:
Mosquito is considered to be an important vector that can cause several diseases to human beings. Malaria and Dengue are two common mosquito infections that cause high morbidity and mortality rate around the world. Each year, an estimated 400 million people are infected with dengue virus through the bites of infected mosquitoes. Use insect repellent, wear long sleeved shirts and control mosquitoes inside and outside our homes. The main aim of this event was to encourage the creativity and research skills of students in controlling Malaria and Dengue. A number of different ideas were presented by the participants on posters.
Arhama Tariq (BPH203035) and Hammad Ahmed Chaudhary (BPH223120) got 1st position. Eman Imtiaz (BPH193017) ranked 2nd and Akifa Amjad (BPH213009) secured 3rd position. All of the winners were presented with respective certificates and were highly appreciated for their endeavors.