When you think of taking university classes, the typical waking-up-in-the-morning image usually comes to mind, right? Well, it can be not easy to manage if you are doing a job. However, did you know that you can take evening classes …
Earning an undergraduate degree is the key step to getting promising career options. To shape a brighter future, choosing from various undergraduate programs at CUST will help you out. In this Fall Admissions 2024, CUST (Capital University of Science and …
Every single student wants to go to a reputable university. But do note that a reputable university does not guarantee that you will get better career prospects. While a degree from a prestigious university might look great, does it offer …
A Bachelor of Science (BS) degree is a four-year undergraduate degree in various subjects. A BS degree is often a requirement for some in-demand and competitive jobs in Pakistan. Hence, getting a BS degree can open doors to all sorts …
CUST Fall Admissions 2024 has started and welcoming new students. In this fall, our admission theme is to prepare students for their future careers. As a reputable university in Islamabad, CUST provides various programs you can choose to pursue. This …