Posted by Rashid-Mahmood

Department of English Held a Seminar on “Forum – A New Platform to Share Research”

The Department of English has established a research platform (Forum) to discuss the research activities of the faculty members. The forum will be held on monthly basis to discuss contemporary research ideas and trends. The first forum was held on …
Posted by Rashid-Mahmood

Office of Research Innovation and Commercialization Held Hands-On Workshop on Amazon Trading

E-commerce has increasingly become a vital component of business strategy and recent hype in E-commerce has made the world realize the concrete and actual scope of online markets. Considering the importance of online business, Capital University of Science and Technology …
Posted by Rashid-Mahmood

A Delegation of Students from Accounting and Finance Department Visited Pakistan Stock Exchange

Department of Accounting and Finance organized a tour of Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) on Monday Oct 24th, 2022 under the collaboration of Dr.Arshad Hassan, Dr.Jaleel Ahmed, and Dr.Nousheen Tariq Bhutta. The students of Capital University of Science and Technology (CUST) …
Posted by Rashid-Mahmood

Department of Accounting and Finance Held Workshop on Systematic Literature Review

The Department of Accounting and Finance, Capital University of Science and Technology (CUST), conducted a one-day workshop on “Systematic Literature Review” on Nov 2, 2022, in Lab-9, Block-B at 2:00 pm - 04:00 pm for MS and BS students. About …
Posted by Rashid-Mahmood

CUST Girls Club Organized Breast Cancer Awareness Seminar

The Breast Cancer Awareness Seminar organized by CUST Girls Club in collaboration with VIS Directorate, on October 31, 2022. The seminar was aimed to spread basic awareness and knowledge regarding this disease. Dr. Zainab Tayyab, a consultant surgeon from Riphah …
Posted by Rashid-Mahmood

Voice of Capital (FM 97.6) Aired a Seminar on Turkish Culture

On the 26th of October 2022, ‘’Voice of capital FM 97.6’’ organized and hosted a Radio infotainment session with Miss. Böheysa nur Bakirhan (Turkish citizen) who has been studying at International Islamic University Islamabad. The segment was based on what …
Posted by Rashid-Mahmood

Department of Accounting and Finance Held Workshop on MYSQL Databases

Department of Accounting and Finance organized a “Workshop on MYSQL” on Tuesday, 1st November 2022. A Database Management System (DBMS) is a software package to store, retrieve, query, and manage data. DBMS is essentially nothing more than a computerized data-keeping …
Posted by Rashid-Mahmood

A delegation from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Visited Capital University

Professor Dr. Rosmini Omar Dean, Azman International Business School, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia visited Capital University of Science and Technology, Islamabad to evaluate possible future collaboration with Faculty of Management and Social Sciences. Dr. Lakhi Muhammad (Head, Department of Management Sciences, …