Posted by Rashid-Mahmood

Accounting And Finance

Posted by Rashid-Mahmood

Software Engineering

Posted by Rashid-Mahmood


Posted by Rashid-Mahmood


University Admissions 2024 in Islamabad: Students’ Guide
Posted by Dian

University Admissions 2024 in Islamabad: Students’ Guide

Applying for University Admissions 2024 in Islamabad can be challenging for some students. This applies especially when you are targeting top universities like CUST. Just imagine the preparation you need for the tests, the interview, and the process of submitting …

How to Choose a Degree from CUST Spring 2024 Academic Offerings
Posted by Dian

How to Choose a Degree from CUST Spring 2024 Academic Offerings?

CUST Spring 2024 academic offerings come with a comprehensive list of remarkable degrees you can choose from. Whether you need an undergraduate or postgraduate degree, you must choose the one you want. In this context, you must think carefully before …

Top Tips for Admission at Capital University Islamabad Spring 2024
Posted by Dian

Top Tips for Admission at Capital University Islamabad Spring 2024

Deciding which university to apply to will impact your future career and life. Accordingly, applying to a top university can be an intimidating experience. However, if you have careful planning and do proper research, you can get into the university …

Posted by Awais

Session on Benefits of Book Reading by CUST Character Building Club

CUST Character Building Club hosted a session, unveiling the benefits of book reading where guest speaker Engr. Abdus Samad Farooq, Writer, Book Reviewer, delivered insightful notes, recommendations with respect to book reading and basic terms to make it apprehensive for …