Reasons to Choose ADP Degrees

Associate Degree Programme (ADP) is a two-year bachelor’s programme available for students who passed intermediate and are looking for some other options apart from a BS degree. Like many other universities, the Capital University of Science and Technology (CUST) also offers well-curated, and market-oriented ADP programmes for the interested ones. This article will explore the reasons for choosing ADP degrees and how to apply for ADP programmes at CUST Islamabad.
What is an ADP Degree?
Associate Degree Programme (ADP) is a two-year programme available for students who have completed their 12 years of education (intermediate). After the completion of an associate degree programme, the students will complete 14 years of education. Later, they can enrol in BS programme for advanced education.
ADP degrees are duly approved and accredited by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) in Pakistan. Therefore, you can opt for the discipline that pleases your career goals.
Who Should Choose the ADP Degree Programme?
You are now familiar with the ADP degree programmes. There may be a question arising in your mind that why should a person go for the ADP programmes? when after intermediate, you can opt for the BS programme.
The reason is that there is a choice to make. If you want to study a full-fledged bachelor’s programme for a duration of 4 years you can surely go for the BS degree programme in your field. But, when to choose ADP programme? – Let’s look at the option below.
- If you are looking for 14 years of education in your field to study in less time investment—half tenure (2 years), then go for an ADP degree.
- In case you want to continue your studies after intermediate but also want a less monetary expenditure. In this scenario- An associate degree programme (ADP) is a good option to complete a degree post-intermediate with fewer fee expenses.
- When you are looking for a quick entry into the professional life- then also ADP degree is more feasible option as a complete degree that will provide you knowledge and skills in half time and make you career-ready for entry-level jobs.
ADP Degrees at CUST Islamabad
In Pakistan, many universities are offering associate degrees in different subjects. Hence, if you are looking for the best private university located in Islamabad with quality education, skill-based learning, and industrial recognition with market-acceptance- CUST is your answer.
At the Capital University of Science and Technology (CUST) you can choose any of the following associate degree programmes.
- Computer Science
- Business Administration
- Accounting & Finance
- Commerce
The ADP programmes are specially designed after a close discussion and consideration of the market need and requirements by industry experts. The aim is to prepare a lot of fresh graduates in the period of two years, that is not only well-learned but also skilled in the basics to enter and add value to the workforce of the country.
Therefore, the practical training, industrial internship opportunities, and the essence of community service are integral parts of this ADP degree at CUST Islamabad. You can apply to the ADP programme of your choice and can start your career right away.
What Options are Available after the ADP Degree Programme is Completed?
Once you complete your ADP degree in any of the disciplines available above, you can take any of the paths below.
- Enter the Workforce
- Join BS Programme for further education
With ADP, you can apply for jobs right-away. Since this is a shortcut to enable the graduates immediately to join the workforce. that’s why the duration of ADP programmes is a couple of years. However, sooner or later you may feel a need of an upgrade in terms of education, skills, and knowledge.
Then, you will have to join the BS programme in the relevant field. Now there are also curated and tailor-made BS programmes for the students who have completed the ADP programme to study further.
You can check out the details of ADP programmes at Capital University. These ADP degrees come under the faculty of associate degree programmes at CUST, Islamabad.
Career Options for an ADP Degree Holder
Let’s have a brief look at the jobs available for 14-year education holders. This will give you an idea, of what you can do with an ADP degree. And, you will know if you should choose ADP or BS for a more prosperous career development.
In Pakistan, the graduates of ADP commerce will get entry-level jobs in the industry. Likewise, this is the case for other ADP degree holders.
Apply for the ADP Degree Programme in Spring 2025
Apply for a 14-year education degree in Pakistan with less investment of time and money after intermediate. This will enable you to start your career early and later you can also earn the BS degree in your relevant field.
Study with confidence under the supervision of highly qualified faculty who also have the latest industry insights. Spend two years in this ADP degree programme at CUST Islamabad and keep moving forward.
CUST Islamabad accepts online applications for Spring 2025. Apply Today and take the first step towards a successful career.
ADP Degrees in Islamabad can be earned at the Capital University of Science and Technology (CUST). You can apply through the online portal as Spring admissions are open.