25th Meeting of Academic Council Held at Capital University
25th Academic Council meeting of CUST was held on February 11, 2021. The Committee considered and deliberated upon the following Agenda Items:-
- HEC Annual Assessment Scorecard of QEC for CUST for the Year 2018-19.
- Appointment of Two University Teachers on the Board of Studies (BoS), Department of Bioinformatics and Biosciences.
- Approval of MS Marketing program.
- Freshman Survey Fall-2020.
- Exit Survey Report Fall-2020
- CUST Research Reports for the year 2020
- Approval of the minutes of the Board of Faculty (BoF) of Faculty of Engineering (FoE)
The Committee showed its satisfaction over the Academic as well as the Administrative operations of the University inspite of COVID-19 re-surgence. The Vice Chancellor thanked the Deans, HoDs, Faculty Members and Staff for their devotion towards the academic excellence and cooperation.
The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair as well as the participants of the meeting.