Department of Bio-informatics and Bio-Science Arranged a Walk on “Emerging Trends in the Field of Accounting to Provide Financial Literacy”
Department of Bio-informatics and Bio-Sciences organized a “Walk on Emerging trends in the field of Accounting to provide Financial Literacy” on Thursday, 16th June 2022. The purpose of the walk to provide financial literacy to the students with emerging trends in the flied of accounting. Financial literacy is very important ingredients for every individual. Financial literacy is the ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills, including personal financial management, budgeting, and investing. Financial literacy is the foundation of your relationship with money, and it is a lifelong journey of learning.
The walk was organized by Ms. Saddaf Adalat for the students of BS Bio-informatics and Bio-Sciences studying the course, “Accounting-1”. By using different colorful posters and banners made by the student of 7th & 8th semester of Bio-informatics and Bio-Sciences convey the message on emerging trends includes Forensic Accounting, Cloud Accounting, Role of AI in Accounting, Data Science in Accounting, Block Chain and Cryptocurrency, Automated Accounting Processes/Software and Out Sourcing. Faculty members includes Dr. Sahar Fazal, HOD Bioinformatics and Biosciences Program and Dr. Syeda Marriam Bakhtiar appreciated the work done by the students.