Posted by Rashid-Mahmood

A Delegation from Capital University Visited National Accountability Bureau

A Meeting was held on Thursday, 11 May at the NAB Office. The meeting aimed to explore collaborations with universities to improve its image. Representatives from universities participated in the discussion. From CUST Ms. Ameena Saeed, Manager ELIC, and Mr. …
Why is CUST the Best Choice for BS Civil Engineering?
Posted by Rashid-Mahmood

Why is CUST the Best Choice for BS Civil Engineering?

Civil engineering is a career that involves planning and building infrastructure for the general public. This profession includes building highways, power plants, sewage systems, bridges, aqueducts, canals, dams, and other structures. Why Pursue a Career in Civil Engineering? Civil engineers play …

Posted by Rashid-Mahmood

Capital University Inked Memorandum of Understandings with ICMAP

An MOU signing ceremony was held on 09th of May 2023 at Capital University of Science and Technology (CUST) and Institute of Cost & Management Accountants of Pakistan (ICMAP). MOU was signed by VC CUST, Dr. Muhammed Mansoor Ahmed and …
Posted by Rashid-Mahmood

Capital University Inked Memorandum of Understandings with ZLK Securities

Career Services Office aims at CUST to empower students to shape their Personal & professional identities, develop 21st-century skills, and create well-managed professional lives. Further, the motivation is to maintain a valued corporate relationship with esteemed organizations to benefit students …

Posted by Rashid-Mahmood

35th Meeting of Board of Advanced Studies and Research Held at Capital University

The 35th meeting of Board of Advanced Studies and Research – BASR was held on 16th May, 2023. The Board deliberated on different agenda items related to MS and PhD scholars. Further, the Board approved the cases of 03 scholars …
Posted by Rashid-Mahmood

Department of English organized a symposium on ‘Imagination, Creativity, and Representation’

Faculty Development Team, Department of English, Capital University of Science and Technology, Islamabad, organised a symposium on English studies under the theme ‘Imagination, Creativity, and Representation’ on May 9th, 2023. Prof. Dr. Shahid Siddiqui, Dean Faculty of Social Sciences, Lahore …
Posted by Rashid-Mahmood

Pharma Spark Society Held Awareness Walk to Mark World Tuberculosis Day

The awareness walk commenced at 11:00 am across the campus with information banners regarding TB, starting from J-Block to K-Block. By 11:10 am, a Group Photo posed with awareness banners/Posters after the walk at K-Block. The Event was well attended …

Posted by Rashid-Mahmood

Pharma Spark Society Arranged Documentary/Videography Competition on Pakistan day

The event was enlightened by the unique efforts of students in promoting their country’s heritage. A wide diversity of ideas were presented by the participants. Pakistan’s culture and ethnic groups were beautifully portrayed. Tayiba Zainab won 1st position and was …