Department of Associate Degree Program Organized Social Activity

On May 17, 2022, a group of 14 students went to Lake View Park with the intention of raising awareness about protecting the environment, which turned out to be highly creative and educational. They learned a lot, which improved their management competences and skills. Additionally, this involvement encouraged the civic virtue that our nation’s citizens today lack. Everyone should practice this virtue because it is the most crucial one for raising one’s quality of life. Although cleaning should be done with joy and peace, it is occasionally done in a brutal and unproductive way. Our youth should learn the habit of keeping their surroundings clean as early as possible. As, the environment’s cleanliness helps to keep people healthy.
On May 23, 2022, 16 pupils went to the Fauji Foundation Hospital. The intention was to raise awareness of the detrimental effects of drug use while also offering psychological first aid. Our students did their utmost to raise awareness of both “Medical first Aid and psychological first aid”.
Our religion places a high value on cleanliness and purity. No worship of ours can be accepted without them. Cleanliness is half religion, according to a hadith narrated by the beloved Master Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). In numerous places in the holy Qur’an, Allah also commanded hygiene and purity. Hence, on May 25, 2022, a group of 9 students went to DHA Park to raise awareness about the need of environmentalism and Dengue. This turned out to be both interesting and informative. They as business students learned a lot, which improved their competencies and skills.