Office of External Linkages and International Collaborations Arranged a Guidance Seminar for FYP Students
The office of External linkages and International Collaborations (ELIC) organized a seminar for the students of the university which are doing their FYP’s (Final Year Projects) on Thursday, 14th April 2022. 100+Students from five departments: Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Software Engineering attended the seminar. The guest speaker Mr. Waqar Haider Awan, CEO, Complete Human Resource Solution (CHRS) talked to the students.
In this seminar, Mr. Waqar Haider Awan told the students about the market trends and what employers usually ask in an interview. He advised the students to explain the employer about their skills which include transferable skills, special skills, interpersonal strength and experiences. He also explained the students about how to select their career and some important skills that an employer expects in a candidate before offering a job and then he explained one by one some of the most important skills required for a job. This session lasts for one hour and more than 100 students attended this seminar. Dean ELIC, Dr Amir Qayyum concluded the session by a word of thanks to the audience and the resource person, and presented the shield to the speaker.