Every single student wants to go to a reputable university. But do note that a reputable university does not guarantee that you will get better career prospects. While a degree from a prestigious university might look great, does it offer …
A Bachelor of Science (BS) degree is a four-year undergraduate degree in various subjects. A BS degree is often a requirement for some in-demand and competitive jobs in Pakistan. Hence, getting a BS degree can open doors to all sorts …
CUST Fall Admissions 2024 has started and welcoming new students. In this fall, our admission theme is to prepare students for their future careers. As a reputable university in Islamabad, CUST provides various programs you can choose to pursue. This …
Without us realising it, biotechnology plays an important role in our daily lives. Not only that it helps to improve our lives. More than that, this subject offers a renewable source of food, energy, and even industrial chemicals. Most importantly, …
Environmental issues become a great concern in the world, and Pakistan is not an exclusion. Accordingly, higher education institutions in the country are driving positive change. In addition, we are paving the way towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As …
Generally, we see problem-solving and decision-making as two similar skills. Well, these two skills can help you work more effectively and independently. Hence, knowing the difference between the two will help you figure out how to learn and develop these …
During your study at a university, you might get the chance to lead a team or a discussion. In this context, developing 20 qualities of a good leader is essential. In fact, having excellent leadership skills can help you succeed in …
University is a great ground to enhance creative thinking skills. During your study, you will face some challenges or situations that require you to be creative. While dealing with the challenges, your creativity will be sharpened. In fact, there are …
Whether you like it or hate it, teamwork is important. In fact, we can say that having excellent team skills is very important. The more person power to complete a specific task, the more efficiently that task can be completed. …
Understanding the importance of teamwork in university can lead you to achieve success in both academic and professional worlds. The reason is quite simple, a team can accomplish what an individual alone cannot do. This applies even when it comes …