DSE Holds Acknowledgement Awards Ceremony to Commemorate CUST Sustainability Accreditation 2020
On 5th March 2021 commemoration event was arranged by the Directorate of Sustainability and Environment (DSE-CUST) to celebrate the international ranking of CUST in UI Greenmetrics 2020. The event was headed by honorable Vice-Chancellor, Heads of Departments, DSE members, and the CUST marketing team. Dr. Saira Ahmed introduced the directorate to new and existing members, explaining the purpose, achievements, and future goals of DSE-CUST. The honorable Vice-chancellor acknowledged the efforts of all the members and explained how significant it is for a university to go beyond education and make numerous efforts in sustainability-aligned research, field projects, and focusing on the surrounding community. The event concluded by presenting certificates to the DSE members and staff who have all contributed immensely.