Seminar on “Women Empowerment” WIE IEEE CUST STUDENT BRANCH
On October 25th, 2018 WIE Affinity Group IEEE CUST Student Branch organized a seminar on the topic of “Women Empowerment”. It started at sharp 09:30 am in A1 with the recitation of Holy Quran by Mr. Hamad student of department of Electrical Engineering. Afterwards, host of the event, Mr. Abdullah Sajid student of department of Electrical Engineering threw light on the specialties of the guest speaker. The guest of the event was Syeda Hifza Marij (Volunteer Program Officer at IEEE Islamabad Section). Also, Patron WIE IEEE CUST Student Branch Miss Maria Mashkoor were present.
Miss. Hifza Marij is currently working as an Anchor Person of a show “The Healing Room” at and also GS Marketing of Robotics and Automation Society IEEE.
She highlighted the problems facing by the women in modern era and in the past including social problems like glass ceiling, feminism etc. Some of the students of psychology participated and asked her about the fact that the males are given priorities upon women at work places. She threw light on this aspect by sharing workplace harassments of her own life when she was working in Jazz. Finally, she empowered the women by giving the solutions of major problems and explaining the characteristics of women over men.
At 11:00 am, the session moved towards its climax with the final thoughts on Seminar by Miss. Hifza Marij. Then the speaker was handed the shield as a token of appreciation by the Miss Maria Mashkoor (Patron WIE IEEE CUST Student Branch), Miss Saira (lecturer of psychology), Miss Kainat Bukhari (Vice Chairperson IEEE CUST Student Branch) and Mr. Muhammad Zeeshan Javed (Chairperson IEEE CUST Student Branch).