Transition to Virtual Learning: Challenges Vs Adaptation

Capital University of Science and Technology believes in providing quality education to its students. Current situation evolved after COVID-19 demands universities to pay special attention to continue provision of quality education. Quality Enhancement Cell at Capital University of Science & Technology, Islamabad is taking deliberate steps to bring about continual improvement in the effectiveness of the online learning experience of students. There is a great emphasis on capacity building of teaching staff to facilitate smooth conduction of online classes, where students are satisfied with the quality of education provided to them. In continuation of the weekly capacity building sessions, fifth training session was arranged for the faculty members of CUST on Friday June 12, 2020 through Video Link. Resource person for the session was Ms. Maryam Khan from Management Sciences department. Faculty members from all the departments of university participated to attend the session titled Transition to Virtual Learning: Challenges Vs Adaptation. The one-hour online session was designed in two parts for the faculty members to understand the way this transition to virtual setting is shaping up in both national and international set-ups. Detail of a few key modalities and tools were addressed at first, and then the typical challenges and the way to adapt this all effectively were delivered. Lastly, a few resources were shared for the faculty members to enhance their potential and built their expertise in online teaching by joining a few extensive and well-tailored international courses and sessions. All the participants appreciated the trainer and shared that the training session was well designed that helped them to gauge and direct their performance for excellence, and devise better strategies and understanding the complexities of the paradigm shift for better adaptation.