Session on Dengue Awareness
WIE affinity group IEEE CUST organized the seminar on topic “Dengue Awareness” held on Oct 14, 2019 under the supervision of “Ms. Maria Mashkoor”. The guest speakers were “Dr. Nadia Shamshad Malik” and “Mr. Zulkifal Malik”. Dr Nadia Shamshad is a PHD scholar and serving as Assistant Professor in pharmacy department of CUST. Mr. Zulkifal Malik is an MPhil scholar and serving as Lecturer in Pharmacy department of CUST.
The guests were received with bouquets. Right after the recitation of Holy Quran, Dr Nadia Shamshad delivered an informational lecture on the dengue fever with the brief description of statistical information gathered in different regions including America, Africa, The Middle East, Pacific islands and Asia. She explained in details the originating point of this dengue mosquito. She added the types of fever caused by infected mosquito or severe dengue mosquito. Dr Nadia Shamshad mainly focused on the symptoms at different stages of dengue fever and its diagnosis. The awareness and safety precautions were also directed. After that Mr. Zulkifal Malik focused on the treatment of dengue virus in which he highlighted the advice for patients, preventions and home remedies for dengue fever. At the end there was a question answer session.