VIS Directorate Holds MOU Renewal Ceremony with Al Khidmat Foundation and a Pre-Departure Orientation Session

A pre-departure orientation session was organized by VIS Directorate for VIS-CUST volunteers on 2nd and 3rd August, 2021 at Auditorium A1 and A2. The orientation started with the recitation of Quran. More than 600 students participated and benefited from this session and placed in their assigned organization.
Director VIS-CUST, Dr. Shaukat Iqbal Malik explained aim and objectives of VIS community training in the session. Vice president Al-Khidmat Foundation Pakistan, Dr. Mushtaq Ahmed Mangat, Head of Volunteer Management Department Al-Khidmat Foundation Pakistan, Muhammad Sannan Akbar and President Al-Khidmat Islamabad, Hamid Ather Malik were present during the session.
Director VIS has also explained some important instructions for their successful community service training at assigned organization.
The last Pre-Departure Orientation Session will be held on 5th of August for the students of Pharmacy due to their engagement in their final practical. Around 100 students from Pharmacy department will attend orientation ceremony. After the orientation VIS-CUST renew the MoU with Al khidmat Foundation Pakistan.