Dr. Arshad Hassan

Dr. Arshad Hassan


Dr. Arshad Hassan is a professor of finance with consulting, research, and teaching experiences in the fields of corporate reporting, corporate finance, portfolio management, and financial risk management. He teaches advanced courses in the field of finance and supervises research scholars. Twenty-five scholars have completed PhD under his research supervision and more than 100 MS scholars worked with him during the last 15 years. Dr. Hassan also qualified the professional examinations like CMA and PFA and served as a professional auditor in the public as well as private sector. Dr. Hassan’s research and writings cover a variety of topics ranging from asset pricing to risk management in financial markets. He has published in high-impact factor journals like finance research letters, Financial Innovation, Energy Economics, Journal of Cleaner Production, International Journal of Emerging Markets, etc. He has also presented a number of research papers at academic conferences in Pakistan, Turkey, and the USA. He is also on the editorial boards of various local and international indexed journals. Presently he is serving as dean Faculty of management and social sciences at CUST and contributing to academic activities in many prestigious institutions as a member of the Board of Studies/Board of Faculty/Board of Advanced Research.

PhD Finance Mohammad Ali Jinnah University Islamabad 2010
MS Finance Mohammad Ali Jinnah University Islamabad 2006
MBA Information Technology Comsats Institute of Information Technology Islamabad 2003
CMA Cost and Management Accounting Institute of Cost and Management Accountants 2000
MSc Mathematics Punjab university Lahore 1988
Professor Capital University of Science and Technology (CUST), Islamabad Since – 2018
Associate Professor Capital University of Science and Technology (CUST), Islamabad 2015 – 2018
Associate Professor Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Islamabad. 2010 – 2015
Assistant Professor Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Islamabad. 2008 – 2010
Dean Capital University of Science and Technology (CUST), Islamabad Since – 2012
HoD Mohammad Ali Jinnah University Islamabad 2010 – 2011
CMA Institute of Cost and Management of Pakistan
APA Pakistan Institute of Public Finance Accountants
1. Investment Analysis
2. Asset Pricing
3. Portfolio Management
4. Financial Risk Management
1. PhD Impact of Corporate Governance on Financial Performance; Mediating Role of Corporate Social Responsibility: An Empirical Evidence from BRICS Countries
2. PhD Corporate Social Responsibility-Firm Performance Link-Moderating Role of Ownership, Board Characteristics, and Islamic Label
3. PhD Significance of Data Decimation in Stock Market Forecasting and Stock Selection
4. PhD Green Finance: From Environmental Sustainability to Investment Vehicle – An Empirical Study
5. PhD Multilevel Drivers of Pakistan Risk Taking in Dual Banking Systems: Evidence From OIC Countries
6. PhD Conditional Volatility and Asset Pricing
7. PhD Role of Culture and Macroeconomic Shocks in driving Herding Behavior
8. PhD Information Quality and its impact on Returns and Investment Decisions
9. PhD Determinants of Firms’ Acquisition Ability and its Impact on Cost Efficiency, Operational Hedging and Returns of Acquirer Firms in Pakistan
10. PhD A comprehensive Framework for Global and Domestic Asset allocation
11. PhD Remodeling Corporate Social Responsibility
12. PhD Asset Pricing and Stylized facts for Multifactor world
13. PhD Impact of Business Sustainability Performance on Cost of Capital in Emerging Economies
14. PhD Impact of Financial intermediation of micro and macro level growth
15. PhD Behavioral Biases and Stock Market Reactions
16. PhD Capital Structure and Firm Performance: Exploring the Moderating Role of Size
17. PhD Understanding the Dynamics of Business Groups in Pakistan
18. PhD Stability Analysis of Banking system of Pakistan and India
19. PhD Inter Relationship between Basel Accord Regulation, Efficiency and Risk –An Empirical Analysis of Pakistani Banking Industry
20. PhD Financial Performance, Sustainability, and Outreach Link in Micro Finance Banks and Impact of Financial Inclusion on Socio-Economic Development in Pakistan
21. PhD Role of Information Shocks in Predicting Equity Returns: A Comparison of Asian Developed and Asian Emerging Markets
22. PhD Bank Competition, Financial Stability, and Economic Growth Links: A Micro and Macro Level Study of Selected Asian and European Economies
23. PhD Mean and Volatility Spillover between the Stock, Gold and Oil Markets during US Financial Crisis and Chinese Stock Market Crash
24. PhD Multilevel Drivers of Bank Risk Taking in Dual Banking Systems: Evidence From OIC Countries
25. PhD Impact of National Culture on Financial Decisions of the Firms: Evidence from Worldwide Non-Financial Companies
26. PhD Liquidity Risks and Asset Pricing in Asian Stock Markets
27. PhD Cost of Equity Dynamics: A Comparison Across Emerging and Developed Markets
28. PhD Voluntary Disclosure, Enterprise Risk Management, Culture and Stock Price Synchronicity
29. PhD “Investor Sentiment Dynamics and Returns in Emerging Equity Markets
30. MS Comparative Analysis of The Impact of Covid 19 on The Volatility & Liquidity of Shariah & Conventional Stock Indices (Evidence from South Asia)
31. MS Asymmetric Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on the N-11 Equity Returns: Moderating Role of Economic Policy Uncertainty
32. MS Impact of Monetary Policy on the Stock Market Return, Volatility, and Liquidity
33. MS Stock Return Prediction using ARIMA Model: Evidence from South Asian Markets
34. MS Risk Forecasting in the Stock Markets of Islamic Countries
35. MS Diversifier, Hedge and Safe Haven Properties of Gold and Bitcoin? Evidence From Next Eleven Equity Markets
36. MS Impact of Financial Inclusion on Household Empowerment: Mediating Role of Entrepreneurship Intentions in Pakistan
37. MS Impact of Climate Risk, Economic Policy Uncertainty and Macroeconomic Factors on Stock Market Performance: Evidence from Selected Emerging Economies
38. MS Returns Forecasting in Pakistan: A Study by Using ARIMA Modelling
39. MS Impact of Earnings Management on Firm Performance: Moderating Role of Board Structure
40. MS The COVID-19 Impact on Oil Market and Equity Market Link: An Evidence from ARMA-GJR GARCH-M Model
41. MS Equity Market Volatility and Portfolio Diversification within and Across Emerging Market and Developed Market
42. MS Impact of Covid-19 on Herding Behavior in Equity Market of Pakistan
43. MS Impact of COVID-19 on the Capital Structure of Listed Firms in Pakistan
44. MS Bitcoin, A Diversifier, a Hedge or a Safe Haven: Evidence from Currencies, Equities, and Gold Prices
45. MS Revisiting Granger Causality Between Stock Price Indices and Exchange Rate in Asian Countries Through Quantile Regression
46. MS An Examination of Herding Behaviour in the Cryptomarket
47. MS Flattening of the Covid-19 Curve Stock Market Return and Liquidity: An Evidence from Pakistani Stock Exchange
48. MS Green Bond and International Financial Markets: Spillover, Co-movement and Diversification
49. MS Impact of Covid on Stock Return: A Comparative Study of Emerging and Developed Countries
50. MS Equity Market Volatility and Portfolio Diversification within and Across Emerging Market and Developed Market
51. MS Forecasting Battles in High Frequency Data: Classical, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning Methods
52. MS Sukuk and International Financial Markets: Co-movement Dynamics
53. MS Seasonality, Asymmetry and Non-linearity in Return and Conditional Volatility of Leading Cryptocurrencies
54. MS Impact of Crude Oil Market on the South Asian Equity Markets: Copula Approach
55. MS Spillover from Global Volatility Index to Equity Markets of Selected Islamic Countries
56. MS Forecasting Battles in High Frequency Data: Classical, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning Methods
57. MS Long Run and Short Run Connection between Emerging Asian Markets and World Conventional and Islamic Markets
58. MS Return and Volatility Spillover among Shariah Compliant Equity Markets
59. MS Bi-directional Mean and Volatility Spillover among Equity Markets
60. MS Information Spillover Between Oil and Equity Market: An Examination of Dynamic Patterns During Pandemic
61. MS Does Corporate Sustainability and Corporate Governance Pays-off for Firm’s Risk
62. MS Green Bond and International Financial Markets: Spillover, Co-movement and Diversification
63. MS Informational Role of Stock Prices in Explaining Expected Earnings, Investment and Return
64. MS Mean and Volatility Spillover from Currency Market to Equity Market: Evidence from South Asian Countries
65. MS Value at Risk in Islamic Banks – An Evaluation of Extreme Behaviour and Capital Requirements
66. MS Extreme Tails Behavior in Asian Currency Markets
67. MS An Analytical Study of VaR Through the Lens of Extreme Value Theory: A Comparative Study of G10 and Emerging Markets
68. MS Return & Volatility Transmission from Exchange Rate-to-Industries & Industries-to-Industries In Pakistan
69. MS Exchange Rate Volatility and Pakistan Trade Flows: New Evidence of Symmetric and Asymmetric Effect
70. MS An Investigation of Non Linear Relationship between Macroeconomic Variables and Stock Markets of Selected Asian Countries by using NARDL Approach
71. MS Oil Price and Oil Price Shock Volatility Spillover, Time-Varying and Asymmetric Effect on Equity Return: Evidence from Asian Market
72. MS Mean & Volatility Spillover From Bitcoin to Major Cryptocurrencies: An Evidence Through GARCH Based Models
73. MS Seasonal Behavior in VaR and VaR Exceptions: Evidence from the Stock Indices of Islamic Countries
74. MS An Investigation of Systemic Risk Transfer from the United States to the Emerging Markets
75. MS Impact of Bank Diversification on effectiveness of Monetary Policy: Case of Pakistan
76. MS How Accurate are Value at Risk Model at Islamic Banks? An Approach of Berkowitz Model
77. MS Long Term Comovement among Cryptocurrencies: an Application of Cointegration Analysis
78. MS Evaluation of Value-at-Risk and Conditional Value-at-Risk by Using GARCH Model in Pakistan Equity Market
79. MS Does Return Dispersion Explain the Accrual and Investment Anomalies? Evidence from Pakistan
80. MS Do Industries Lead Stock Market in Pakistan?
81. MS Factors Affecting The Financial Structure Adjustments: Evidence From Pakistan
82. MS Determinants of Credit Ratings
83. MS Determinants of Integration of Stock Markets: A Study of Pakistan and its Trading Partners
84. MS Over Reaction and the Cross-Section of Returns: Evidence from Pakistan
85. MS Does Monetary Policy Determines Liquidity? New Evidence From Pakistan Stock Market
86. MS Evaluation of Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall Models: A Study of Emerging and Frontier Markets
87. MS A Statistical Risk Assessment of Pakistani Banking Stocks and its Extreme Tail Behavior
88. MS How Accurate Are the Maximum Drawdown at Risk Models in Pakistani Commercial Banks?
89. MS Impact of Corporate Governance on Credit Rating, Comparative Study of Financial and Non Financial Sector of Pakistan
90. MS Mean and Volatility Spillover Effects from Currency Market To Equity Market
91. MS Default Risk and Efficiency Nexus: Evidence from Banking Sector of Pakistan
92. MS Impact Of Ownership Structure On Cash Holding And Debt Maturity Structure
93. MS Returns-Based Trading Strategies and Equity Returns: Evidence from Emerging Market “Pakistan”
94. MS Determinants of Volatility: A Case Study of Pakistan
95. MS Investment Strategies and Equity Returns: Evidence from an Emerging Market “Pakistan”
96. MS Determinants of Stock Price Synchronicity in Pakistan
97. MS Stylized Investment Strategies and Macro Economic Environment
98. MS Comparison Of Risk Model Performance Beta Vs Characteristic Model: Evidence From Pakistan Stock Exchange
99. MS Mean and Volatility Spillover from Oil Market to Major Equity Markets
100. MS Who are Senders of Mean and Volatility Shocks to East European Markets After Russian Collapse
101. MS Board Diversity, Financial Risk, and Firm Performance: An Evidence from Pakistan
102. MS Accounting Conservatism and Firm investment Efficiency
103. MS Impact Of Monetary Policy On Volatility Of Stock And Country Credit Rating
104. MS Who Is The Net Sender Of Mean And Volatility Spillover In Emerging Equity Markets
105. MS Pre-Project Partnering and Project Performance
106. MS Market Microstructure and Stock Market Return
107. MS Do Peer Firms Affect Corporate Capital Structure
108. MS Impact of Culture on Stock Market Returns and Volatility
109. MS Determinants of Stock Price: Evidence from Pakistan
110. MS Impact of Ownership Structure on Strategic Decisions of The Firm
111. MS Volatility Premium and Stylized Returns: Evidence from Pakistan
112. MS Corporate Diversification, Information Asymmetry, and Firm Performance – Evidence from KSE
113. MS Impact of Corporate Governance Practices on Strategic Decisions
114. MS A Downside Risk Analysis of Inflation Hedging Capabilities of Individual Assets and Optimal Asset Allocation
115. MS Market Volatility and Momentum: Evidence from Pakistani Stock Exchange
116. MS Internationalization vs. Regionalization of Volatility Spillover in the Asian Countries’ Stock Markets
117. MS Default Risk Premium and Equity Return of Non-Financial Companies of Pakistan
118. MS Pricing of Accrual Anomaly: Evidence from Pakistan Stock Exchange
119. MS Impact of Monetary Policy on Stock Market Liquidity
120. MS Price Discovery in the Spot and Future Markets of Emerging Economies
121. MS Comparative Study Between Investment in Equity Stocks and Stock Based Mutual Funds
122. MS Earning Quality Assurance: A Critical Review of Benish Model in Pakistan
123. MS Business Group Strategic Decision, Working Capital Management, and Performance
124. MS Determinants of Firm Dividend: Moderating Role of Market Capitalization and Firm Age
125. MS A Comparative Study of Liquidity Management in Islamic Banks and Conventional Banks
126. MS Financial Risk and Share Price Behaviour
127. MS Impact of Risk Perception on Investment Behavior: Moderating Role of Emotional Intelligence
128. MS Ownership Structure, Financial Decisions, and Value of Firm: An Analysis of Companies Listed at KSE
129. MS Exchange Market Pressure and Asian Currencies
130. MS Five Factors Model of Explaining Time Series Variations in Expected Equity Returns
131. MS Corporate Board Structure and Firm Ownership
132. MS Media Coverage and Stock Returns: A Study of an Emerging Market
133. MS On the Functional Form of Purchasing Power Parity
134. MS Group Affiliation and Strategic Decisions
135. MS Trading Volume and Time-Varying Conditional Volatility
136. MS Financial Stability Index for Financial Sector of Pakistan
137. MS Impact of Institutional Ownership on Strategic Decisions
138. MS Validity of Purchasing Power Parity of Pakistan Developed Economies
139. MS Early Warning Indicators for Stock Price Misalignments
140. MS Asset Pricing in Asian Emerging Markets (Pakistan, China & India)
141. MS Causal and dynamic linkages among Stock markets of emerging and developed countries
142. MS Dividend yield Leverage and common stock Returns A study of Karachi Stock Exchange
143. MS P/E Premium and Cross Section of Expected Returns : An Empirical Evidence from Pakistan Equity Market
144. MS Extreme Events and Market Efficiency A Case of Pakistani Stock Exchange
145. MS Book to Market Ratio as a Predictor of Equity Market Returns: Evidence from the Pakistani Equity Market
146. MS Size Leverage and Stock Returns Evidence of the Pakistan
147. MS Herding Behavior in Pakistani equity Market
148. MS Determinants of Capital Structure: Evidence from KSE listed Non Financial Firms in Pakistan
149. MS Return Volatility Spillover and dynamic contagion : A Comparative Study of BRIC and PIKT Equity Markets by Using EGARCH Model
150. MS Financial Ratios and Equity Returns
151. MS Style Analysis of Mutual Funds in Pakistan
152. MS Trend in Corporate Environmental Reporting and Its Impact on Firm Performace
153. MS Earnings Management and Capital Structure Evidence Capital Market of Pakistan
154. MS Long Memory Properties in Stock Prices: Evidence from the Pakistani Stock Market
155. MS Inter-Temporal Relationship Between Risk and Return
156. MS Impact of Interest Rate and Foreign Exchange Rate on Stack Market: Empirical evidence from Pakistan
157. MS Financial Development and Economic Growth
158. MS Comparative Study of Financial Distress Prediction Models in Pakistan
159. MS Impact of Ownership Structure on Financing Decisions of Pakistani Listed Companies
160. MS Determinants of Commercial Banks Interest Rate Spread in Pakistan
161. MS Pricing with Higher Moments: Evidence from Pakistani Equity Market
162. MS Political Instability and Economic Growth Empirical Evidence from Pakistan
163. MS Business Failure Prediction for Publicly Listed Companies in Pakistan
164. MS Impact of Capital Gains Tax on Karachi Stock Exchange Trading Volume
165. MS Persistence of Calendar Effects in Stock Returns and Volatility: A Case of Pakistan and India
166. MS Ownership Premium and Equity Market Return
167. MS Random Walk Versus Mean Reversion; Evidence from Karachi stock exchange
168. MS Long Run Relationship between South Asian Equity Markets ans Equity Markets of Developed World
169. MS Relationship Between Downside Risk and Equity Market Returns: A Study of Karachi Sotck Exchange
170. MS Market, Interest rate and Exchange rate Sensitivity: An empirical study of Pakistani Commercial Banks using an ARDL approach
171. MS Impact of Investor Personality Types on Investment Behavior
172. MS Market Efficiency, Investor Sentiment and Co Movement Between Equity Markets of G-8 Contries
173. MS Determinants of Operational Losses and Impact of Announcement of Operational Loss on Share Value and: A Study of Banking Industry in Pakistan
174. MS Dividend Initiation and Omission and Its Impact on Earnings and Market Returns: Pakistani Stock Market Perspective
175. MS Measuring Investor Sentiments in Equity Markets: Karachi Stock Exchange
176. MS Quality of Financial Reporting and Equity Returns: Empirical Evidence form Pakistan
177. MS Macroeconomic Determinants of Capital Structurs in Context of Market Timing Theory of Capital of Capital Structure
178. MS Identification of Pull and Push Factors for the Portfolio Flows: Evidence fro the Pakistani Economy
179. MS Assets Pricing and Foreign Exchange Rate Risk :econometric Evidence for south Asian Countries
180. MS Foreign Institutional Investors (FII) Investement in Pakistani Equity Market and Stock Market Volatility
181. MS Operational Risk Management A Study of Pakistani Banks in the Context of Basel II
182. MS Determinants of Earning Yield and its Impact on equity Market Returns
183. MS Technical Analysis of Individual Stocks Empirical Evidence from Pakistani Stock Market
184. MS Relationship Between Stock Returns, Volume and Volatility: Evidence from KSE
1R. Andleeb and A. Hassan, “Nonlinear relationship between investor sentiment and conditional volatility in emerging equity markets,” Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, pp. 1–19, 2024.2024
2W. Akhter and A. Hassan, “Does corporate social responsibility mediate the relationship between corporate governance and firm performance? empirical evidence from BRICS countries,” Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 566–578, 2024.2024
3A. Tariq and A. Hassan, “Role of green finance, environmental regulations, and economic development in the transition towards a sustainable environment,” Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 413, p. 137425, 2023.2023
4R. Andleeb and A. Hassan, “Predictive effect of investor sentiment on current and future returns in emerging equity markets,” PLOS ONE, vol. 18, no. 5, p. e0281523, 2023.2023
5R. Andleeb and A. Hassan, “Impact of investor sentiment on contemporaneous and future equity returns in emerging markets,” SAGE Open, vol. 13, no. 3, p. 21582440231193568, 2023.2023
6W. Nasir, A. Hassan, and M. H. Khan, “Corporate social responsibility and firm performance nexus: Moderating role of CEO chair duality,” PLOS ONE, vol. 18, no. 8, p. e0289037, 2023.2023
7R. Ejaz, S. Ashraf, A. Hassan, and A. Gupta, “An empirical investigation of market risk, dependence structure, and portfolio management between green bonds and international financial markets,” Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 365, p. 132666, 2022.2022
8D. Xu, M. Sheraz, A. Hassan, A. Sinha, and S. Ullah, “Financial development, renewable energy and CO2 emission in G7 countries: New evidence from non-linear and asymmetric analysis,” Energy Economics, vol. 109, p. 105994, 2022.2022
9Z. Ghafoor, I. Ahmed, and A. Hassan, “Audit committee characteristics, enterprise risk management and stock price synchronicity,” Managerial Auditing Journal, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 69–101, 2022.2022
10M. Hussain Khan, A. Fraz, A. Hassan, and S. Zohaib Hassan Kazmi, “Impact of corruption on bank soundness: The moderating impact of Shari’ah supervision,” Journal of Financial Crime, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 962–983, 2022.2022
11M. H. Khan, H. Y. Bhatti, A. Hassan, and A. Fraz, “The diversification–performance nexus: mediating role of information asymmetry,” Journal of Management and Governance, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 787–810, 2021.2021
12H. Zada, A. Hassan, and W. K. Wong, “Do jumps matter in both equity market returns and integrated volatility: a comparison of Asian developed and emerging markets,” Economies, vol. 9, no. 2, p. 92, 2021.2021
13M. Mansoor, N. Ellahi, A. Hassan, Q. A. Malik, A. Waheed, and N. Ullah, “Corporate governance, Shariah governance, and credit rating: A cross-country analysis from Asian Islamic banks,” Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, vol. 6, no. 4, p. 170, 2020.2020
14M. H. Khan, A. Fraz, A. Hassan, and P. Abedifar, “Female board representation, risk-taking and performance: Evidence from dual banking systems,” Finance Research Letters, vol. 37, p. 101541, 2020.2020
15S. Ijaz, A. Hassan, A. Tarazi, and A. Fraz, “Linking bank competition, financial stability, and economic growth,” Journal of Business Economics and Management, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 200–221, 2020.2020
16I. Yousaf, S. Ali, and A. Hassan, “Effect of family control on corporate dividend policy of firms in Pakistan,” Financial Innovation, vol. 5, no. 1, p. 42, 2019.2019
17I. Yousaf and A. Hassan, “Linkages between crude oil and emerging Asian stock markets: New evidence from the Chinese stock market crash,” Finance Research Letters, vol. 31, 2019.2019
18Z. Javaira, A. Hassan, and S. Z. A. Shah, “Does Pakistani investor exhibit herding behavior during financial crisis?” Pakistan Business Review, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 336–355, 2019.2019
19A. Bashir and A. Hassan, “Relationship among capital regulations, risk and efficiency: Comparison of Islamic with conventional banks in Pakistan,” The Lahore Journal of Business, vol. 7, no. 01, pp. 113–136, 2018.2018
20S. Saeed and A. Hassan, “Inter-linkages between liquidity and stock returns: An empirical investigation through panel cointegration,” Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences (PJCSS), vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 617–637, 2018.2018
21A. Fraz and A. Hassan, “Stock price synchronicity and information environment,” Business & Economic Review, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 213–232, 2017.2017
22A. Bashir and A. Hassan, “Interrelationship among Basel capital regulation, risk, and efficiency in Pakistani commercial banks,” Business & Economic Review, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 165–186, 2017.2017
23M. H. Khan, A. Fraz, and A. Hassan, “The diversification puzzle: The role of asymmetric information and insider trading in Pakistan,” The Lahore Journal of Economics, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 97–119, 2016.2016
24R. Y. Hussain, H. Hussain, and A. Hassan, “Valuation of mutual funds and selection abilities of fund managers in Pakistan,” Pakistan Business Review, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 76–98, 2016.2016
25M. Ahmad, A. Hassan, S. Mahmood, and S. Aslam, “Impact of investor personality types with interaction effects of demographics on investment behavior: Evidence from Pakistan,” Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences (PJCSS), vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 638–658, 2016.2016
26T. Awan, S. Z. A. Shah, and A. Hassan, “Impact of acquisition on cost efficiency of acquirer firms by using data envelopment analysis (DEA),” Business Review, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 69–84, 2016.2016
27A. Fraz and A. Hassan, “Information efficiency premium can also explain expected stock returns: Evidence from Karachi Stock Exchange,” The Pakistan Development Review, vol. 56, no. 04, pp. 341–357, 2016.2016
28A. Fraz and A. Hassan, “Dragon’s entry in South Asia and its impact on financial markets,” The Pakistan Development Review, vol. 56, no. 04, pp. 445–454, 2016.2016
29M. Husnain, A. Hassan, and E. Lamarque, “Shrinking the variance-covariance matrix: Simpler is better,” Lahore Journal of Economics, vol. 21, no. 02, pp. 1–21, 2016.2016
30Z. Javaira and A. Hassan, “An examination of herding behavior in Pakistani stock market,” International Journal of Emerging Markets, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 474–490, 2015.2015
31S. Ali, S. H. Hashmi, and A. Hassan, “Relationship between political instability and domestic private investment in Pakistan: A time series analysis,” Pakistan Business Review, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 1–26, 2013.2013
32T. Riaz, A. Hassan, and M. Nadim, “Market efficiency in its weak form; evidence from Karachi Stock Exchange of Pakistan,” The Journal of Commerce, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 9–17, 2012.2012
33M. Irum, M. Rafique, and A. Hassan, “Effect of dividend announcement on share prices of petroleum industry of Pakistan,” Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, vol. 2, no. 7, pp. 6503–6511, 2012.2012
34F. Khan, S. Ali, and A. Hassan, “Size, leverage and stocks returns: Evidence from Pakistan,” International Journal of Academic Research, vol. 4, no. 1, 2012.2012
35Z. M. Nasir and A. Hassan, “Economic freedom, exchange rates stability and FDI in South Asia,” The Pakistan Development Review, vol. 50, no. 04, pp. 423–432, 2011.2011
36K. Hamid and A. Hasan, “Casual and dynamic linkage of stock markets: An empirical study of Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) with emerging and developed equity markets,” African Journal of Business Management, vol. 5, no. 19, p. 7802, 2011.2011
37A. Hassan and M. T. Javed, “Size and value premium in Pakistani equity market,” African Journal of Business Management, vol. 5, no. 16, p. 6747, 2011.2011
38A. Hassan and M. T. Javed, “Illiquidity premium and stylized equity returns,” IUP Journal of Financial Economics, vol. 9, no. 1, p. 41, 2011.2011
39S. A. Butt and A. Hassan, “Valuation and accounting for redeemable corporate capital: An Islamic perspective,” Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance, vol. 7, no. 66, pp. 66–78, 2011.2011
40A. Hassan and M. T. Javed, “Relationships among equity markets of emerging OIC economies,” Pakistan Journal of Applied Economics, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 29–46, 2010.2010
41A. Hassan and M. T. Javed, “An empirical investigation of the causal relationship among monetary variables and equity market returns,” The Lahore Journal of Economics, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 115–137, 2009.2009
42S. A. Butt and A. Hasan, “Impact of ownership structure and corporate governance on capital structure of Pakistani listed companies,” International Journal of Business & Management, vol. 4, no. 2, 2009.2009
43A. Hasan and Z. M. Nasir, “Macroeconomic factors and equity prices: An empirical investigation by using ARDL approach,” The Pakistan Development Review, vol. 47, no. 04, pp. 501–513, 2008.2008
44A. Hasan, H. Saleem, and M. S. Abdullah, “Long-run relationships between an emerging equity market and equity markets of the developed world: An empirical analysis of Karachi Stock Exchange,” International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 52–62, 2008.2008
45A. Hassan, M. S. Abdullah, and Z. A. Shah, “Testing of random walks and market efficiency in an emerging market: An empirical analysis of Karachi Stock Exchange,” The Business Review, Cambridge, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 271–280, 2007.2007
1A. Hasan and M. T. Javed, “Macroeconomic influences and equity market returns: A study of an emerging equity market,” in First Annual General Business Conference Conference Proceedings, 2009, p. 17.2009
2A. Hasan and Z. M. Nasir, “Macroeconomic factors and equity prices: An empirical investigation by using ARDL approach,” The Pakistan Development Review, pp. 501–513, 2008.2008
3A. Hassan, “An Empirical Examination of Linkages among Karachi Stock Exchange and Equity Markets of Asia Pacific Region”, South Western Finance Association Conference, 2008.2008
4A. Hassan, “Dynamic Linkages between Oil Price Shocks and Equity Markets of Asia Pacific Rim”, International Business & Economics Research Conference, 2008.2008

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